Lakeside Loop - Pakenham

51 Cormorant Parade, Pakenham VIC 3810, Australia

Lakeside Loop - Pakenham

51 Cormorant Parade, Pakenham VIC 3810, Australia

Staff Pick
22 m
1.51 km
Very Easy

A gentle 1.5km loop around the lake with lots of amenities!

Lakeside Loop - Pakenham

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A gentle 1.5km loop around the lake with lots of amenities!


This gentle loop has it all: BBQ, hundreds of water birds, playground, cafes, access to public transport and much more.

A fantastic route to take the pram, dog, kids or simply yourself. It is a very pretty public space which is very popular with the locals – especially on a sunny day!

If you are looking for a longer ‘bushy’ walk in the area, check out the Council’s ‘Aqueduct Recreation Trail’:

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Points of Interest

1. Pram, stroller and wheelchair friendly

The whole loop’s surface is either concrete or high-quality boardwalk and therefore usable by all most everyone.

2. BBQ and Playground

At the western end of the lake is this great BBQ and playground, perfect spot to bring the family.

3. Friendly locals

It is amazing juts how many birds there are in the lake!

4. Read about the native flora and fauna

There are plenty of signs and information sheets around the loop providing plenty of information for walkers.

5. Duck feeding central!

The pier at the eastern end of the lake, just in front of the Cardinia Cultural Centre, is a perfect spot to feed the duck, swans and other types of birds.

6. Cardinia Road Train Station is less than 1km away

As Cardinia Road Train Station is just under a km away, the lake is very easily accessible by public transport. The pedestrian facilities between the station and the lake and great.

7. A beautiful view all the way around

You will be pleasantly surprised just how pleasant the views and amenity of the lake are.

8. What are these two up to?

What are these two up to?

9. Some inspiration from the Council!

The Council estimates the loop is 2,000 steps, which they consider is one fifth of the number of steps you should aim for per day.

10. Try not to fall in!

Most of the walk has no guard rail, however the water depth is very shallow so do not be alarmed!


Public Transport Public Transport
Playground Playground
Picnic spot Picnic spot
Drinking water available Drinking water available
Seating available Seating available
Public toilets Public toilets
Pram friendly Pram friendly
Local treasures Local treasures
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden