A highly scenic 3.5 hour walk tracking a magnificent part of the coastline. It is the first stage of the Great Ocean Walk and includes sandy beaches, rocky outcrops, rock pools, grasslands and bush.
A highly scenic 3.5 hour walk tracking a magnificent part of the coastline. It is the first stage of the Great Ocean Walk and includes sandy beaches, rocky outcrops, rock pools, grasslands and bush.
This is a fabulous walk along a magnificent part of the Victorian coastline is the first stage of the Great Ocean Walk.
Most people start from the Great Ocean Road Visitor Information Centre - Apollo Bay and walk towards Marengo and onto Elliot River, but we did the reverse as we were able to get someone to drop as Elliot River so we could walk back at our own pace.
The turn off to Elliot River is 4.9km from the Apollo Bay Info Centre along the Great Ocean Road. Note, Google has said this is a 2-hour walk (if you went flat out with no stops), but allow 3-4 hours.
You can choose to stay on the official track, which mostly goes though the bush, or choose to walk the whole way along the beach and rocks but only at LOW TIDE. We did a bit of both.
We advise you walk at least some along the track, particularly at the higher spots so you get to see the breathtaking views out to sea. In Winter and Spring you might be lucky enough to see whales!
An 11 -year-old child did this walk, and loved it!
DOGS are NOT permitted on this walk.
The whole Great Ocean Walk is a one-way long-distance walk extending east to west, just over 100km, between Apollo Bay and the iconic Twelve Apostles near Princetown. If you are continuing on from Elliot Rover, the GOW Elliot River campsite is 1.5 km further on (you may need to book) and Blanket Bay 13.5 km. Book a camping spot for the Great Ocean Walk here
See our map of Stage 3 of the Great Ocean Walk here.
There are a few options from the start, we chose left towards Shelley Beach, but you could go to Elliot River (750m) or to the Elliot Ridge GOW Campsite (1.5km) or even onto Blanket Bay (13.5km).
The path has some boardwalk/steps as you down through the ferns, which would help in wet weather.
Walk through some magnificently tall trees near the start, and they have not even finished growing!
There are many native currants along the first part of the walk in the more damp areas. In Jan-Feb it bears small red globular edible berries, which are sweet and taste a bit like a raspberry.
Shelley Beach is about 1 km for the car park so some people only walk that far. It has lots of shells, mostly broken.
Obviously lots of views to the sea from the rock ledges.
If you walk the beach route, you may have to crawl along this little rock ledge, but best to avoid if it is high tide.
Looking back toward Blanket Bay in the distance. Link is to information on Blanket Bay.
Lots and lots of rock pools.
Walk along the beach to Bald Hill.The sand is soft and on a little angler so it can be a little harder to walk.
It looks like the remains of a Midden is at the start of the path up to Bald Hill. Please do not disturb. Link gives information on Middens.
Some rough steps up to the Hill, alternatively you could stay a sea level, bit you'ld miss the view from the hill.
We told you it was worth the walk up the little hill!
A nice little tunnel of Sheoaks as you come down the hill.
The last bit of shade (enjoy it!).
Nearly there. The beach can be a bit hard at high tide (take the track next to the road if it is) as the sand can be soft, but when low like this it's a breeze. Link is to Beach Safe.