Wallaby Gully Walk, Upton Hill

2130 Upton Rd, Upton Hill 3664.

Wallaby Gully Walk, Upton Hill

2130 Upton Rd, Upton Hill 3664.

1 h 18 m
5.21 km

Wallaby Gully is a special place that presents a diversity of significant ecosystems. Natural wonders are sure to be found and the views are spectacular.

Wallaby Gully Walk, Upton Hill

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Wallaby Gully is a special place that presents a diversity of significant ecosystems. Natural wonders are sure to be found and the views are spectacular.


No formed track exists. However, the borders of this Reserve are bounded by farmland and defined by fences, so walking widely is an option. The recommended route mapped here is only that, but it will serve to take you to the various distinctly different spaces.

To start, follow the upper fence line to the left moving downhill. You will find yourself in granite and tree fall littered open grassy woodland. Expect to see eastern grey kangaroos, echidnas, thornbills and bronze cuckoos. Explore as you go. Red stringy bark and blackwood dominate this relatively dry high ground. From here, you will begin a 90 m descent into the lush gully proper. Be aware, the way back involves a 110m ascent to a hard granite peak.

As you approach the long border of the reserve, you will encounter grassy dells topping a generally dry descending gully Follow this down, observing the changes in terrain, moisture content, and vegetation as you go. The rocks become more prominent, the trees stand straighter and taller. There are certain to be black wallabies warily watching your progress.

This gully intersects with a broad, wetter gully as you drop. Things have been looking entrancing up to this point, they only get better. Expect to see frogs, possibly snakes. This lush ferny space has a clear water creek flowing across soft mud, but it doesn’t stay that way. Follow the creek along its path across beds of pink granite, into small narrow ravines and finally over small cascades and falls as it makes its tributary way downward to Ponkeen Creek. Expect to see robins, tree creepers, fan tails and wombats.

When you come to a fence across the creek it is time to ascend again. The climb is steep. As you cross the first ridge you come to another gully which can be viewed from overhanging rocky outcrops. Sitting on rocks suspended in space is a great place for reenergising. Take some time to recover your breath.

Follow this gully up past tree ferns and tangential defiles as you make for the peaks. While climbing to higher ground notice the change in landscape to your right. Forest floored with shattered rock becomes dominant.

Make a beeline to the top. Emerge on to sheets of granite pavement and spectacular views to Mt Wombat and the Victorian Alps. Expect to see raptors, skinks and geckoes.

From the peak, continue walking across the pavement back into the open grassy woodland and your start point.

Carry food and water
Be equipped for hiking
Walkers must be self reliant

Take your rubbish with you
No potable water
No firearms
No camping
No dogs

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Points of Interest

1. Enter here

Look out for the sign. There isn't much frontage. Parking is limited and needs to be on the verge due to the narrow roadway. Low slung cars can have difficulty and may need to park further away.

2. Grassy open woodland

As you walk, you are going to witness some dramatic changes in landscape and vegetation. Here, granite and tree fall littered forest dells are relatively dry

3. Green rock fern on pink granite

If you love colour and contrast, you are going to love Wallaby Gully. From the green greys of the heights to the deep greens of the depths, draw sustenance. Then there is the granite, some very pink.

4. Dry dells merge into damp gullies

The transition is progressive. As moisture accumulates in the soil the greens become richer , the vegetation denser and the trees larger.

5. Cascades

The creek itself is as pretty a little waterway as you could wish for. It bubbles across granite beds, tumbles over and through masses of boulders and spills down drops. Lovely!

6. Then the walking gets interesting

Further down the gully the sides steepen, get narrower, obstacles and wombat holes abound. Take it slow and easy. It will be worth it.

7. Small falls

The slopes get rockier, the rocks get bigger, gradients increase, water flows accelerate, sandy bottomed pools appear. What more could one want?

8. The Ravine

As you walk on you can't help but smile, the bush, the granite, the moss, the water and the sand combine to bring joy to the senses. Below this spot a fence across the creek means head back to base.

9. The climb

Heading up the other side of the reserve requires exertion. You can walk across the slopes to lessen the gradient, but you still have to cover the elevation. The sights on the way make it worthwhile.

10. At the peak

Three different sections of the granite topped peak mark arrival at the top. Each has its own character, boulder clusters, pavement, moss covered sheet, shelf and fractured slabs.

11. Spectacular views

The views are spectacular. This uninterrupted vista from a granite shelf is to Mt Wombat. On clear days the snow capped Victorian Alps make for another sight of delight.

12. The track out

Sometimes you think you have found a track, only to be disorientated as it melts back into the bush. Just so you know, this track leaving the granite peak back to the start is as good as it gets.


Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river