Town and Country Walk, Ruffy

Corner Nolans Rd, and Longwood - Ruffy Rd., Ruffy 3666

Town and Country Walk, Ruffy

Corner Nolans Rd, and Longwood - Ruffy Rd., Ruffy 3666

Staff Pick
1 h 2 m
4.16 km

This is an attractive family farmland walk or romantic ramble. The loop adopts a road reserve of open woodland as a corridor to connect both sides of Ruffy Township.

Town and Country Walk, Ruffy

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This is an attractive family farmland walk or romantic ramble. The loop adopts a road reserve of open woodland as a corridor to connect both sides of Ruffy Township.


With a population of only 112, Ruffy might sound like a small place. This is not the case. Sitting atop the south western granite mass of the Strathbogie Tablelands, it is a big place. The landscapes are grand, the rocky outcrops extensive and the waterways beautiful.

Park anywhere in Ruffy’s main thoroughfare, Nolans Rd. Outside the Ruffy Produce Store (open for bookings only), the Ruffy Hall or Community Centre are all convenient. The Community Centre used to be the Primary School (1886 – 2005) and still has the advantage of a playground out back for kids to enjoy. Many students rode horses to school and tethered them at the sale yards that were opposite. Keep your eyes open within the Township for information signs and plaques honouring local residents.

As you walk through town, a challenge is to spot the one standing remnant of the Ruffy Hotel (next to the Hall). Built in 1888 and burnt in 1963, in its time the Hotel served as everything from accommodation and general store to drinking establishment and Post Office. Just what do you think this small concrete wall might have been for? Take your time to inspect the town along the way. It is endearing and inviting, with a charming rural outlook in every direction.

Once you leave the township the walk takes you onto sweeping vistas of the undulating Ruffy Tableland countryside. The walk closes a loop of 3 roads. The active public roads, Longwood – Ruffy Rd and Nolans Rd, may not carry much traffic, but there will be vehicles from time to time. Be mindful and keep to the shoulder on the right.

The Eddy Lane turnoff is marked by a sign post. However, there is no longer a sign. The Lane itself is not used as such, so look for the opening into the beginnings of a wooded corridor between grassy grazing properties.

This is an opportunity for a close encounter farmland walk, without worrying about entering private land holdings. With kookaburras guiding the way, contented sheep to either side and bucolic views, it is a very pleasant way to spend a couple of hours. The track is grassy, dry most of the time and lined with beautiful eucalypt forest. Along the way there is a small rise of granite boulders at the track zenith that makes for an agreeable picnic spot. Bird watching, photography, painting, rest and respite are suitable ways to enjoy this space.

Playground and seating in town
Accommodation available locally
Public toilets at the Ruffy Recreation Ground, Noye Lane.

Walkers must be self reliant.
Eddy Lane is sometimes used for grazing sheep.
Please make sure you close off any temporary fencing.
Carry water and something to eat, be sun smart, wear closed shoes and a hat.

Dogs must be leashed.
No reliable potable water
Take your rubbish with you

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Points of Interest

1. Ruffy Tablelands Community Centre

After decommissioning due to low numbers, the local community combined with Strathbogie Shire to purchase the Primary School for community use. There is a play ground out back.

2. Ruffy Produce Store

No longer open on a regular basis, this store has a great reputation for gourmet local produce. You can still book to visit or keep tabs for opening occasions.

3. Rural letterboxes

The more you look, the more you find in and around Ruffy Township. Make sure you carry something to capture a good picture for sharing with friends and family.

4. Ruffy Hall

Originally known as the Ruffy Mechanics Institute , the Hall is over 125yo. Renovations have preserved the original tongue and groove woodwork. It is home to RuffArtz and Ruffy Artsfest.

5. Information signs and plaques

To get a feel for a town's history and community spirit, it pays to read information on public display. Ruffy is no exception.

6. Grazing country

Sheep and cattle are the dominant industry around town. There are also plenty of superb wineries nearby. Lambing season is a special time.

7. Rocky outcrops

Rocky outcrops are a fascinating feature of the massive granite range that has created the Strathbogie and Ruffy Tablelands. They appear everywhere in the most interesting configurations.

8. Eddy Lane

The track itself is easy to navigate, broad, grassy and generally dry. Fencing clearly defines the boundaries. You can't get lost!

9. Eddy Lane eucalypts

The Eddy Lane road reserve has been in place for a long time. As a consequence many grand specimens will mark your way.

10. The views

Views across farmland on both sides are long and deep.

11. A good spot for a rest

This is the high point of the walk. The boulders here are sheltered by the canopy and make for a good place to sit, reflect, have a bite and a drink.

12. The return leg

Nolans' is the pretty dirt road along which you return to Ruffy Township. In the opposite direction, it connects Ruffy to Tarcombe, Avenel and Seymour. The scenery is a must see spectacle.


Playground Playground
Picnic spot Picnic spot
Seating available Seating available
Historical interest Historical interest