Wallaby Ridge walk, Gooram

Cnr Ridge Rd & -Euroa - Mansfield Rd, Gooram 3666

Wallaby Ridge walk, Gooram

Cnr Ridge Rd & -Euroa - Mansfield Rd, Gooram 3666

Staff Pick
1 h 30 m
4.22 km

A return walk along the exposed ridge-line between Gooram and Merton valleys. Ridge Rd is a dirt track through grazing land with almost zero traffic. The uninterrupted views north & south are great.

Wallaby Ridge walk, Gooram

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A return walk along the exposed ridge-line between Gooram and Merton valleys. Ridge Rd is a dirt track through grazing land with almost zero traffic. The uninterrupted views north & south are great.


This is a genuine uninterrupted bird's eye view of the surrounding landscapes. The vista below is of pretty country of high rolling hills and mountains. The view north extends to The Paps and beyond Cathedral Range. The view south includes Mt Wombat.

Ridge Rd traverses open grazing land, so views are uninterrupted to either side. On a clear day you can see a long way.

Park in the car park on the Euroa - Mansfield Rd opposite the entrance to Ridge Rd. Ridge Rd can be a bit of a challenge for vehicles, so it is best to start here.

Ridge Rd clearly terminates at the point you need to turn around and return. The track itself has hardly any traffic. It runs down the middle of a very broad road reserve. The track surface can be quite muddy when wet, but the parallel grassland makes a good alternative walking surface.

There are some modest inclines, but nothing serious.

Car parking

Limbs may fall
Uneven ground
No potable water
Slippery surfaces
Road surfaces vary
Snakes may be active
Beware of vehicle traffic
Be mindful to keep within the road reserve
Carry food, water, First Aid, be SunSmart
Be equipped for self-reliant hiking

Stock and wildlife may be present. Please keep dogs on a leash.

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Points of Interest

1. Car Parking

There is a car park opposite the entrance to Ridge Rd.

2. Ridge Rd entry

The sealed surface does not last.

3. View of the Comms Tower.

Ridge Rd provides service access to this tower.

4. Alpaca peak

There are sure to be grazing animals to watch you as you watch them along the way.

5. Granite country.

One side view looks out to the granite country around Gooram.

6. Prime grazing land

Undulating hills of prime grazing land roll out before you.

7. Australian Pipit

The exposed site limits the number of birds for observing. The Australian Pipit is right at home though, running the wheel ruts of the track.

8. View south

On a clear day the surrounding Ranges are crystal clear. I will have to get a better photo next time!

9. Mt Wombat.

The view across to the Mt Wombat Garden Range Reserve.

10. Grey Box woodland

There isn't a lot in the way of ridge-line woodland, but what there is has some lovely feature trees.

11. Road's end

The road ends at private property, marking the return point.
