Starting and finishing at the historic village of Fish Creek in Gippsland, this has it all for fitter walkers - rural farmland, mountain climbs, fantastic views, part of the Great Southern Rail Trail.
Starting and finishing at the historic village of Fish Creek in Gippsland, this has it all for fitter walkers - rural farmland, mountain climbs, fantastic views, part of the Great Southern Rail Trail.
This is a great South Gippsland walk which is partly off the beaten track. This, combined with its distance from Melbourne means that it is not yet as well-known as it deserves to be!
The trail finishes with a 6km stretch along the Fish Creek to Foster section of the Great Southern Rail Trail (GRST), which runs parallel to, but mainly hidden from, the main road. This section of the rail trail has its own charm and you are likely to see cyclists (and even horses) along the way!
According to signage at Mount Nicoll parts of the track were upgraded by Foster Rotary in 2017. Congratulations to them.
Because of the limited character count allowed for this description, detailed walk information is not included here as there is a detailed PDF available for download from the official Great Southern Rail Trail site.
When doing the walk for the first time it is strongly recommended that you first download the PDF which has detailed information of the walk route and a good map. Although signage is reasonably good along the way there are several places where the signage is missing or is not obvious and reference to the PDF will help.
Download the PDF here (see 'Hoddle Mountain Trail' listed last under Trail Brochures section). Download it, study it before walking, and carry it with you!
Also carry sufficient food and water to get you through 4 or 5 hours of relatively tough walking (it is about 16km in total and there is a fair bit of walking up and down steepish inclines made of gravel with a rough, loose surface).
Take a camera to capture some magnificent scenery shots! Also be aware that you may well go for several hours without seeing another person.
Please see the restriction regarding dogs, noted on the map. It seems that they are only allowed on about half of the trail - on the GSRT rail trail itself, and on Mount Nicholl Rd which is the road leading up to Mount Hoddle. And any dog should be on a leash at all times.
You can also see an animated track / overview of the route on this Hoddle Mountain Trail video which Thru My Lens put together after completing the walk.
On the Great Southern Trail Trail (GSRT), just off Falls Rd, Fish Creek. Public toilet facility and BBQ available.
See the large tea settings, bikes, and the mock-train
At this sign turn right to cross the main road ... and onto the gravel Fish Creek Quarry Rd
This road is short and for local traffic only
When the gravel road ends, the track is a simply a grassy path. In several places gates must be opened and closed, or stiles climbed over
Shut behind you where appropriate!
Farms surround the track here
This road leads to the quarry - beware trucks!
See cows and more
Do not go onto quarry property. The track leads off on the left hand side of the gate.
The track through the trees comes out at this gravel road where there is a bench, Turn left and head up the hill.
What can you say!
Surveying the valley
Good spot to stop and admire the views
Very tranquil
Quite steep and uneven - be careful
There should be a stile here. Otherwise be careful getting over the barbed wire!
Keep a lookout for large deer here. But they are very skittish!
This is fairly long and steep and rough underfoot
Look for this stile on the right hand side - at the top of the hill
Unmanned - walk around the base and join the gravel road at the top
The signage is partly hidden here, but turn left onto a grassy track which heads slightly uphill
A great place to rest up and take in the panoramic views
See the 'compass' pointing to places of interest
Quite steep in parts and rough to walk on, be careful.
This walk continues to have great sea and mountain views
As you near the main road, look for the trail path on the right hand side that runs next to the farm fence. There is a sign but it is very small.
There is a steep bank down to rejoin the Great Southern Rail Trail. Turn left on it and head back towards Fish Creek
A great place to relax on the GSRT
This is typical of the Great Southern Rail Trail section
About 2km from the end of the rail trail, this park is an attractive surprise.