Werribee River Park, Cocoroc

Werribee River Park, Main Drive, Cocoroc 3030

Werribee River Park, Cocoroc

Werribee River Park, Main Drive, Cocoroc 3030

Staff Pick
1 h 31 m
6.03 km

A great wander around Werribee River Park, Cocoroc, with escarpment views, historic bluestone ford and peaceful red gum bushland.

Werribee River Park, Cocoroc

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A great wander around Werribee River Park, Cocoroc, with escarpment views, historic bluestone ford and peaceful red gum bushland.


Warning: Bridge subject to flood damage 13 October 2022.

Explore a lesser-known section of Werribee River. This walk starts at Werribee River Park, carpark. The name Cocoroc means 'frog' in the language of the Wathaurung people — the Traditional Owners of the land.

The first lookout gives great views of the Werribee River, golf course and zoo to the east and farmland to the west.

A ramp leads down into the escarpment carved by the river over time. Take the first path left through a riparian woodland area that's alive with birds: wrens, robins, honeyeater, parrots and more. The path runs between the river and the Werribee Open Range Zoo fence. You might see an ostrich or giraffe to your left and native birds to your right.

At the river, a fishway has been built to aid the migration of fish up and down river. The rocks have not been designed as stepping stones for pedestrians so do not cross here. The Bluestone Ford was built in c. 1835 and was the original crossing of the Werribee River on the old Geelong to Melbourne Road. After you've enjoyed the view, head back the way you came towards the pedestrian bridge.

Over the pedestrian bridge, take the boardwalk path past ancient river redgums. This is a lovely patch of bushland. Birdlife is abundant here and you might also spot a wallaby.

Follow signs towards Werribee Mansion park and wander around the heritage buildings that serviced the mansion in its heyday. Follow the signs to the heritage orchard and then take the track to the river.

The final leg of the walk makes a loop along the river towards the K Road Cliffs and river estuary. This is a great spot for watching waterbirds and birds of prey.

Werribee River Park and Werribee Mansion Park are managed by Parks Victoria.

No dogs allowed. The area is important for the conservation of ground-nesting and endangered bird species.

Getting there:
Werribee River Park is accessed via the new suburb of Riverwalk Estate. Within the park, the dirt road is heavily pot-holed, so take care.

There are no toilets or drinking water available within Werribee River Park.

LogoThis map was supported by Melbourne Water Liveable Communities, Liveable Waterways incentives program.
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Points of Interest

1. Viewing platform

Take the ramp down to river level via the viewing platform.

2. Woodland path

Wide gravel path between the river and Werribee Open Range Zoo.

3. Red-rumped parrot

The parkland is home to a huge variety of birdlife. Photo: Werribee River Association

4. Werribee River Association at work

Community tree planting, weeding and litter clean-up play an important role in the restoration of the Werribee River.

5. Fish passageway at bluestone ford

These stones aren't designed for pedestrians, so back track a little to the blue bridge.

6. View downstream from the bridge

Cross the pedestrian bridge and look out for birdlife (and platypus) below.

7. Boardwalk

Take the boardwalk through the river redgums.

8. Werribee Mansion Park

Today community gardens make use of the fertile land.

9. Bluestone buildings

Blacksmith building that serviced the Werribee Mansion.

10. Volunteers collecting water samples

Werribee River Association and volunteers help monitor the quality of the river. Photo: Werribee River Association

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11. Bluestone ford

The bluestone ford, built in 1835, was the original river crossing on the old Geelong to Melbourne Road.

12. Pedestrian bridge

Head back over the river across the pedestrian bridge.

13. Red cliffs

Look south-east to the K Road cliffs and river bend.

14. Take the high road back to the carpark

Look out for snakes in warm weather.


Picnic spot Picnic spot
Historical interest Historical interest
Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden