Rosalind Park Accessible Walk, Bendigo

Park Rd., (foot bridge) Rosalind Park, Bendigo 3550

Rosalind Park Accessible Walk, Bendigo

Park Rd., (foot bridge) Rosalind Park, Bendigo 3550

Staff Pick
30 m
1.45 km
Very Easy

These beautiful gardens in the heart of Bendigo are the perfect setting for a relaxing walk or roll. The wide accessible paths take you through cool, lush lawns under leafy, green branches.

Rosalind Park Accessible Walk, Bendigo

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These beautiful gardens in the heart of Bendigo are the perfect setting for a relaxing walk or roll. The wide accessible paths take you through cool, lush lawns under leafy, green branches.


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In these historic gardens you will travel the paths of 150 years ago. A walk or roll here is still relaxing today.

Is this walk accessible for me?
This walk is accessible for everyone. It is easy by foot, wheelchair or other mobility aids.

How accessible is the path?
There are city map signs including the park at entrances. This walk keeps to the flat part of the park. Higher paths are steep.

Paths are sealed, flat, wide and smooth. You can travel side by side and turn easily. The narrowest parts are between bollards at footbridges. They leave room for wheelchairs.

There are occasional small root rises and small lips to seating spaces. Trees provide shade.

There are alternative paths and pick up points. Mobile coverage is good.

Cyclists may share some paths.

Rest areas
Seats with armrests and sometimes paved mobility aid space are along the paths. Some paths have a shallow scoop drain to be crossed to seating.

Drinking water access is very limited. It is a good idea to carry a water bottle for yourself and if you have an assistance dog.

The cleanest accessible toilets can be found at nearby Sidney Myer Place. Those at Howard Place are graffitied. There is a short section of flagstone paving with a shallow dip to cross to the Howard Place accessible toilet. See photos.

Dogs must be on leash.

Flying Fox noise may be heard near the fernery. Public music playing or maintenance equipment may be noisy.

A single accessible space in Park Rd has a protected side space on a mildly sloping sealed surface. It is the least busy. There is also regular 3 hour parking here. A raised pedestrian crossing gives access to the park.

There are 3 alternative accessible spaces within 100 metres along the Midland Highway. Check time limits.

The Bendigo bus interchange is 200 metres from View St entrances via traffic lights and a wide footpath. There is shelter, seating and passenger information. Kerbs are ramped. There are tram tracks to cross. Note: the corner View St entry has bollards only 1 metre apart. A much wider entry is 10 metres further up View St.

Other accessible walks
Bendigo Heritage and Future Gardens Accessible Walk

The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.

We would like to know what people with disability and carers think of our accessible Walking Maps. Please tell us by completing this 5 minute survey. Your feedback will help us to create local walks information of high quality for carers and people with disability.

“Walking and rolling together: accessible walking trails for people with disability" is a partnership between Victoria Walks and Scope

Logo Victoria Walks acknowledges the support of Access for All Abilities, an initiative of the Victorian Government.
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Points of Interest

1. Accessible car parking

Find accessible parking on Park Rd, Bull St or Sidney Myer Pl. Park Rd is ramped to a flagstone path, has a protected side space, 2 hour limit, less traffic and an accessible toilet (door 950mm).

2. Pedestrian crossing

A tactile, raised to path level pedestrian crossing connects the walk to accessible parking, accessible toilets, a map and the Conservatory.

3. Footbridges

3 ornamental footbridges cross the creek. They provide paths into the park and to accessible toilets, car parking locations and Bendigo's central business district.

4. The Fernery

The Fernery is a particularly lush enclosure with a resident colony of Grey-headed Flying-Foxes. This walk visits one side of it. Access is limited to the other side by narrowly spaced bollards.

5. Picnicking

Picnicking is very popular. There are no BBQs or picnic tables within this area of the park, but BYO tables and chairs are welcome. Many visitors opt for a picnic rug. Bins are provided.

6. Camp Hill play space

An accessible ramp leads to the Camp Hill Primary School play space. The school grounds extend up the hill. Public use is only permitted outside of Camp Hill Primary School hours of operation.

7. Public transport from the park

The View St park entrance 10 meters from the corner with Pall Mall has widely spaced bollards and a wide entry path. The Mitchell St bus interchange is accessible by a 2.6m path and traffic lights.

8. View St from the shade

Like so much of Bendigo, View St is home to many buildings that provide insight into the rich history of the city. As with most of the park, mature deciduous trees shade your approach.

9. View St and Pall Mall corner entrance

This intersection crosses to the Bendigo bus interchange from the park. It is worth noting bollards at the park corner entrance are only 1m apart. There is a more accessible entry 10m up View St.

10. Concrete paths

The concrete loop path is up to 3m wide, smooth and flat with plenty of room for passing and turning around. It is generally flush with the lawns, although some rounded kerbs do exist.

11. Grand walking avenues

There are internal bitumen path options for shortening or varying your route within the park. There is a rotunda (step only access). Note shallow brick scoop drains at the edges of bitumen paths.

12. Public memorial

This brick monument and water fountain (now capped) is dedicated to past Mayor James H. Curnow. During his terms of office Mayor Curnow established Bendigo's sewerage system.

13. Accessible toilets

There are 2 accessible toilet locations, one here beside Sidney Myer Place (door 850mm wide) and one at the start of the walk. This one is the cleaner, being further from the nightclub district.

14. Seating

Seats with armrests are throughout the park with paved access. Some seats also offer space for mobility aids to be placed beside the seat. Watch for occasional small lips where concrete has shifted.

15. Signage

This walk is a closed loop bounded by the creek and the hill. Directional signs are limited, here the gold lettering is hard to read. Informative garden bed signs may not be close to pathways.

16. Drinking water

Frequent, easy to use accessible water fountains are not available. It is best to carry your own water and extra if you have an assistance dog.

17. Conservatory

One of the largest Conservatories in a public park in Victoria, this building, the contents and the floral grounds are a delight to explore before or after your walk.


Public Transport Public Transport
Playground Playground
Picnic spot Picnic spot
Drinking water available Drinking water available
Seating available Seating available
Public toilets Public toilets
Pram friendly Pram friendly
Historical interest Historical interest
Art and culture Art and culture
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden
Accessible walk Accessible walk