Westerfolds Park Accessible Walk, Templestowe

Swamp Gum car park, Westerfolds Park, Fitzsimmons Lane, Templestowe 3106

Westerfolds Park Accessible Walk, Templestowe

Swamp Gum car park, Westerfolds Park, Fitzsimmons Lane, Templestowe 3106

Staff Pick
45 m
2.5 km

Choose the walking or rolling that suits you. There are flatter paths around the Ridge picnic area and a slope to the Yarra Rapids Lookout. You can enjoy either or both according to your ability.

Westerfolds Park Accessible Walk, Templestowe

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Choose the walking or rolling that suits you. There are flatter paths around the Ridge picnic area and a slope to the Yarra Rapids Lookout. You can enjoy either or both according to your ability.


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Observe the Australian bush and wildlife such as Kangaroos and Echidna. The Lookout sees the river rushing over rocks.

Is this walk accessible for me?
There is walking or rolling for all abilities by foot, wheelchair or other mobility aids. You can choose from flatter paths at Ridge picnic area and a sloping path to Yarra Rapids Lookout.

How accessible are the paths?
Paths are wide enough for side by side walking and wheelchair turns. You can turn back at any time. There are car parks close to Ridge picnic area paths for alternative pick-ups, but not once you are on the path to Yarra Rapids. Mobile coverage is good.

There are direction signs at intersections. Areas beside the path are mown. You can see uneven areas, drop offs or drains.

There are cracks and rises due to tree roots. The largest is near the accessible toilet. It can be crossed slowly. There are sometimes lips where different surfaces meet, but no steps. Watch out for the lip when entering the picnic shelter.

Rest areas
There is little tree shade on the sealed paths due to mown borders. There is one large BBQ and picnic shelter that wheelchairs can access. It has some roll under tables. Please take your rubbish home.

There is a playground. It has wooden borders and tan bark base.

There are seats in the open with armrests and outside picnic tables off the path.

Water fountains are not accessible. One had a bowl for an assistance dog. Carrying a water bottle is a good idea.

Cyclists may share these paths.

There is 1 accessible toilet (see photos).

Dogs must be on a leash.

Car Parking
Swamp Gum car park has off street accessible parking spaces. These are paired in 3 sets with protected zones in the middle of each pair. There is room for rear loading. Each pair has a short sealed path directly to the walk. Note the small drain underneath.

The walk starts beside the car park. The car park surface is sealed and smooth on a minor slope. There are no kerbs or road crossings. There is no need to walk or roll through the car park.

There is no public transport in the park.

The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.

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Other accessible walks
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“Walking and rolling together” is a partnership between Victoria Walks and Scope..

Logo Victoria Walks acknowledges the support of Access for All Abilities, an initative of the Victorian Government.
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Points of Interest

1. Accessible parking

Swamp Gum car park in the Ridge picnic area has the best paths for access to the walk. These are 1.45 metres wide and start in the protected side zones. Note: there is a small drain under the paths.

2. Flatter paths

You can take a lovely walk or roll along the flatter paths of the Ridge picnic area. Note: the path edges may have uneven ground, drops or drains beside them.

3. Accessible BBQ and picnic shelter

The large shelter opposite the car park has an accessible path, room for wheelchairs to turn on a smooth concrete floor and some roll under tables. Note: there is a lip where the path meets the floor.

4. Wildlife

The park has a healthy population of Kangaroos. You are very likely to see some. They are quite tame, but will move away if you get too close.

5. Information signs

Interesting information signs are provided. Some may be found off the path. Some may be difficult to read.

6. Cracks and root rises

This is a bushland walk or roll. Tree roots under the path may push up. Most rises are low. This larger crack is from a tree near the accessible toilet. Cross it carefully.

7. Drinking water

Water fountains are not very accessible. It is a good idea to carry a water bottle. This fountain near the toilet block had a water bowl for Ray, the assistance dog.

8. Accessible toilet

There is 1 basic accessible toilet in Ridge picnic area. It has a sliding door opening to 0.82 metres. The floor area is 2.4x1.75 metres.

9. Playground

There is a playground. It lacks accessible features.

10. Tree shade

Large trees offer shade on the lawns off the path. The path is generally exposed to the weather.

11. Seating

There are a few seats along the way. Some have armrests. They are all off the path with a dirt base.

12. Birdlife

The park is home for many birds, such as this colourful Rainbow lorikeet.

13. Alternative car parks

There are alternative car parks for different pick-up locations around the Ridge picnic area. Mobile coverage is good. There are no alternatives further toward the Yarra Rapids Lookout.

14. Direction signs

There are clear direction signs at each intersection.

15. Path to Yarra Rapids Lookout

The path is sealed, wide and smooth, borders are mown clear. This section follows a generally mild slope down to the river. If slopes are difficult for you, enjoy flatter paths near the picnic area.

16. Who else might you see?

Echidnas are another animal that lives in the park and may be seen along the paths.

17. Footbridge

There is a footbridge over a small waterway near the river. There may be pooling of water at path edges after rain in some locations.

18. Yarra Rapids Lookout

High above the Yarra you can watch the water tumble over the rocky river bed. The sealed paths into the Lookout area are more than 2 metres wide.


Playground Playground
Picnic spot Picnic spot
Drinking water available Drinking water available
Seating available Seating available
Public toilets Public toilets
Pram friendly Pram friendly
Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden
Accessible walk Accessible walk