Take a walk along the Moonee Ponds Creek Trail, north of the concrete, where there's abundant birdlife, native flora and layers of history to ponder. 41 minutes one way or 82 return.
Take a walk along the Moonee Ponds Creek Trail, north of the concrete, where there's abundant birdlife, native flora and layers of history to ponder. 41 minutes one way or 82 return.
This walk follows the Moonee Ponds Creek Trail along a lovely, semi-natural section of the creek. The trail winds north through undulating landscapes and a variety of native vegetation.
The creek is home to a wide variety of birds, frogs, reptiles and other wildlife. Growling Grass Frogs have been recorded upstream of the Men's Shed so listen out for them in the summer. Moonee Ponds Creek is an important flyway for birds such as Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos. There is a birdlife to spot year-round.
Start at Margaret St footbridge / Strathmore North Primary School where concrete walls have recently been removed and replaced with rockwork. Continuing north, the creek has a much more natural look and feel.
Just past Nursery Corner is a rocky ford where it's possible to get down close to creek level. If you choose to cross here, take care! Do not cross if covered in water.
The trail passes Strathnaver Grasslands, which is home to remnant grassland flora and provides habitat for native species. Look out for rocky outcrops and that signage that indicates the rock supports a lichen that is estimated to be 2100 years old!
Please keep dogs on leashes.
Across the creek is JP Fawkner Reserve which has an off-leash dog area, a playground and public toilets. Take a detour via the footbridge to get to the reserve.
We recommend you stick to the sealed path on the west side of the creek and return via the same route. For the more adventurous, it is possible to make your way back on the other side of the creek. However, the path isn’t sign posted or sealed and it can get muddy and slippery.
Thank you to Anna Lanigan for contributing photography and information and information for this walk.
Friends of Moonee Ponds Creek . work to improve the Creek’s environment, biodiversity and habitat.
North of Margaret Street Bridge, Strathmore, the creek is in a semi-natural state.
Listen and look out for a wide range of wildlife including endangered Growling Grass Frogs. Photos by Anna Lanigan
The ford is popular with kids. Warning, do not cross if covered in water.
Herons, cormorants, ducks and moorhens are some of the waterbirds you'll see at creek level. Photo by Anna Lanigan
We recommend sticking to the west side of the creek for a smooth, sealed path.
It's easy to appreciate how much better this is than a concrete drain!
A playground, toilets and an off-leash dog park are across the creek in JP Fawkner Reserve.
The bridge is a great place to spot waterbirds.
A wide array of bird species live along the creek corridor. Photo by Anna Lanigan
An important remnant grassland reserve visible from the path. A silcrete rocky outcrop supports a lichen estimated to be 2100 years old!
Moonee Ponds Creek is an important flyway for birds such as Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos. Photo by Anna Lanigan
Aboriginal flag mural across the creek at Bryant Family Reserve.
While it is possible to make your way back on the other side of the creek, the path not sealed so it can get muddy and slippery in places.