This delightful accessible track is for walking or rolling. It follows an old water channel through the lovely bushland of south east Melbourne's Churchill National Park.
This delightful accessible track is for walking or rolling. It follows an old water channel through the lovely bushland of south east Melbourne's Churchill National Park.
Walk or roll into a beautiful bushland of tall trees, busy birds and native animals. These tracks are flat and easy, everything is green and the air is fresh. Stay for a BBQ or picnic.
Is this walk accessible for me?
This walk is accessible by foot, wheelchair or other mobility aid.
How accessible is the track?
The mapped tracks are wide, firm compacted gravel without steps. Wheelchairs can turn. There is room for side-by-side travel. There is some muddiness and puddling at the edges when wet.
Plants line track edges, low hanging branches may occur. There is a steep bushy downhill slope on the south side of the track (no safety rails).
For a shorter walk choose a closer return point. There are no other pick up locations. In an emergency call 000. The gate can be opened for vehicle access by Park Rangers. Mobile phone coverage is good.
Rest areas
There is tree shade along the track. Built shade is found at the BBQ / picnic shelter in the picnic ground. The shelter offers a smooth, flat concrete floor with plenty of room for wheelchairs amongst the 4 picnic tables. These are an older wooden bench style. Wheelchairs can use them and the gas BBQ.
The picnic ground has paved outdoor picnic tables. Wheelchairs can roll under. To get to them, the accessible picnic shelter or accessible toilet from the walk's car park requires crossing grass slopes without accessible pathways or travel along the roadway to a different car park.
There is no seating away from the picnic ground.
Carry your own water bottle. Please take your rubbish home.
Assistance dogs are welcome. Pets are not permitted.
A basic accessible toilet is provided. It has ramped access from the roadway.
There is no public transport.
Vehicles travel along the roadway into the 4 car parks. At the end of the first car park there is space for drivers to pick up, drop off or park near the entry gate to this accessible walk (Bayview Track). The parking surface is sealed, smooth, firm and flat. There are no marked accessible parking spaces.
There is no kerb. Where the asphalt meets the compacted gravel of the track there is a gravel surfaced gap to pass through on the left side of the gate. The right side is eroded.
The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.
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The Channel Track birding walk
To begin the walk enter the compacted gravel Bayview Track through this gap (1.65 meters) to the left of the gate at the end of the top car park. The right side gap is eroded.
Travel along Bayview Track to an intersection where The Channel Track heads left or right. Go left for the fully accessible walk. Go right for the generally accessible The Channel Track birding walk.
The Channel Track is compacted gravel 2.2 meters wide, firm and flat. There is room for side by side travel. Edges are lined with vegetation.
The aqueduct is beside the track. It still carries water. As you walk the sound of frogs marks your passage. Listen carefully to hear the endangered Southern toadlet Pseudophryne semimarmorata.
Looking across the transmission lines to the City of Dandenong. This strip through the park has been an electricity easement since before the park was gazetted.
With numerous species of native plants along the walk it is always worth looking out for who is feeding on what and what is in bloom, like these margin She-oak flowers.
The return point is a small holding dam beside a sluice gate on the aqueduct. The track is named after this system for bringing water to Dandenong beginning in the 1930s. Hereafter the track steepens.
The 4 car parks have sealed, smooth surfaces. There are no lines or allocated accessible spaces. There is generally room for mobility aid loading and unloading.
The picnic area offers outdoor picnic table below the top car park with a paved base and wheelchair roll under space. Access is via the grassy slope. There is no accessible pathway.
The shelter has ramped access 1.61 meters wide from a middle car park. The floor is sealed and smooth with 4 bench tables and a 2 burner BBQ accessible by wheelchair.
An accessible toilet is 150 meters below the top car park down a moderate grassy slope or the roadway. It has ramped access from a road recess. Gap between bollards 1.67 meters. Door width 0.94 meters