Billabong Walk, Miepoll

Seven Creeks Streamside Reserve, Violet Town - Murchison Rd, Miepoll 3666

Billabong Walk, Miepoll

Seven Creeks Streamside Reserve, Violet Town - Murchison Rd, Miepoll 3666

Staff Pick
1 h 6 m
4.41 km

With a very meandering Seven Creeks, sandy beaches, multiple billabongs, a smattering of history and a Red Gum woodland full of birds, everyone will enjoy this walk.

Billabong Walk, Miepoll

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With a very meandering Seven Creeks, sandy beaches, multiple billabongs, a smattering of history and a Red Gum woodland full of birds, everyone will enjoy this walk.


4.5km long walk: Follow the creek upstream from the bridge. Return via Miepoll Schoolhouse Rd. Cross Murchison–Violet Town Rd. Follow the creek downstream to the old oval. Return through the Reserve

1.5km short walk: Cross Murchison-Violet Town Rd. Follow the creek downstream to the old oval. Return through the Reserve

Miepoll land selection began in 1879 with the break-up of a large pastoral run. Selectors were followed by the opening of a General Store and blacksmith. The Schoolhouse opened in 1882, a butter factory in 1891. A Public Hall was constructed in 1902 to provide for social and church services. However, by 1922 the Butter Factory had closed. In 1955, so did the School.

The unusual name of the locality is said to come from a local policeman’s reference to his wife, “My Poll.” However, there is also a record of “Maypole” in Bailliere’s Victorian Gazetteer, 1865.

The area is characterised by the flat lands of North Central Victoria, where cropping and grazing dominate. The wide spaced topographical contours explain the very meandering Seven Creeks extensive billabong and waterhole networks as it winds its way across the plains. There are broad vistas.

Seven Creeks Streamside Reserve is a site with much to offer all ages, from family picnics to bird watching and fishing. For the self-sufficient walker there is also plenty to enjoy. Accompanied by the croaking of frogs, walking through the open River Red Gum, Grey and Yellow Box woodlands amongst bends and beaches, billabongs and waterholes is a delight.

Very grassy underfoot in Winter and Spring, the site dries out significantly across Summer. The walking is easy, but be wary of uneven ground along the way as tracks may become unclear.

The Miepoll Schoolhouse roadside also has its attractions. On the creek side it is woodland, billabong and waterhole lined. Opposite are wide landscapes of cropped and grazing country with remnants of a busier past. The Schoolhouse still stands, as does a lonesome chimney further down the road. Across the Murchison – Violet Town Road is the now abandoned Miepoll Recreation Reserve oval.

Birdlife can be prolific. Local fauna may also be encountered. Taking your time and doing so quietly will be rewarded with many satisfying observations.

Car parking
Designated flora and fauna habitat

Open water
Limbs may fall
Uneven ground
No potable water
Remnant fencing
Slippery surfaces
Subject to flooding
Snakes may be active
Tracks may not be clear
Beware of vehicle traffic
Be equipped for self-reliant hiking
Mobile reception may be unreliable
Be mindful to keep within the Reserve

Dogs must be leashed
Licensed fishing
Take rubbish home
No firewood collection
Flora & fauna are protected
Drivers/riders must: use formed roads only, be licensed, be registered

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Points of Interest

1. Car parking

There is a break in the crash barrier on both sides of the Murchison - Violet Town Road. Park in the cleared gravel car park on the south side. there is plenty of room here.

2. Follow the Seven Creeks

Start by following the meanderings of this gorgeous waterway upstream from the Seven Creeks bridge.

3. Artefacts or junk

Happily, there isn't much in the way of rubbish on this side of the Reserve. Someone has even gone to the trouble of pulling this old truck cabin out of the water.

4. It can get noisy

You may get a few hundred complaints from the residents as you pass on by.

5. Pretty as a picture

Every bend is a picture with the likes of mottled River Red Gum trunks, sandy beaches and rippling water contributing to a new composition at each turn.

6. Kangaroos abound

Don't be surprised to have an Eastern Grey mob bound by, or even an inquisitive few stop to say "Hello."

7. The track

It comes and goes in places, but don't worry. The creek is on one side and the Road on the other. You can't get lost and there are many sights to enjoy in between.

8. Open mid story

The site has an interesting mix in its very open mid story. Blackwood, Casuarina, Bottle Brush, Prickly Tea Tree, Silver Wattle, Peppercorn and even Silky Oak can be found.

9. Mobile silos

Rolled out for the harvest, these silos dot the cropping landscape.

10. Picturesque roadside

Even the roadside waterholes make for pretty viewing.

11. Canola fields

Late winter / early spring sees fields of vivid yellow across the landscape. This stand of trees also marks the north western corner of the remnant Miepoll Cemetery.

12. Billabongs everywhere

Old meanders, now cut off from the main waterway, fill and dry according to rain, flooding and hot spells. Somewhere along the way a chorus of frogs is likely to greet as you pass a watery home.

13. Miepoll School

This historic school building was built in 1882 and decommissioned in 1955. Now a private residence, it has been maintained in such a way as to retain its character.

14. A more populous past

Families come and go, with more going from rural communities in recent decades.

15. Bird watching

As with many species of birdlife to be observed in the Reserve, watching a Brown Tree Creeper in action is a rewarding experience.

16. Reminders of sporting times

Miepoll Recreation Reserve must have once been a significant place for community gathering. Today it is a field of Patterson's Curse with abandoned male and female toilets.

17. An abandoned outhouse

Out back of the Miepoll Hall stands a relic of less comfortable days.


Picnic spot Picnic spot
Historical interest Historical interest
Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river