This is a popular spot for walking and rolling. The lakeside path offers clear views across the water. There is lots of open green space, picnic areas, BBQs and an accessible playground to enjoy.
This is a popular spot for walking and rolling. The lakeside path offers clear views across the water. There is lots of open green space, picnic areas, BBQs and an accessible playground to enjoy.
This area was once busy with gold miners. The park was designed 150 years ago to become a calm place. It is now a pretty lake surrounded by trees and lawns.
Is this walk accessible for me?
This walk is accessible for everyone. It is easy by foot, wheelchair or with other mobility aids.
How accessible is the path?
The path is a loop. It is sealed, wide and smooth. Travelling in the direction of the walking map avoids one short up slope. Turning wheelchairs is easy.
When wet, puddles or soft ground along edges may form. The path includes a wooden boardwalk. Some boards may move a little and edges can be uneven.
A short plastic surface near Nolan St has slight undulation, loose tan bark nearby and a low root rise. This surface and path line marking may be slippery when wet or frosty.
Cyclists may share this path.
Maintenance equipment may be noisy.
Passing trains can be noisy.
Rest areas
There are many picnic tables and seats. Some require walking across grass to get too. Seats with armrests are located along the boardwalk and have a surrounding concrete surface next to the path for mobility aid parking. Trees shade the path. BBQ picnic shelters also provide shade - and have some room for wheelchairs.
The park offers a large playground with accessible features.
Food / coffee vans and a restaurant offer refreshment.
Drinking water is available. Some fountains are not accessible, so carry water.
There are 2 accessible toilets at the start of the walk (see photos).
This is a popular dog walking park, dogs must remain on a leash.
There is tactile ramp access onto park pathways from the smooth, sealed bitumen car park surface. There are 3 other pairs of accessible parking around the lake.
Route 5 bus stops (Goornong - Bendigo) provide passenger information, sheltered seating and mobility aid space. The outbound stop is 150 metres along a wide smooth, flat path. The inbound stop is 350 metres via traffic lights along a concrete footpath.
The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding all abilities access. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.
We would like to know what people with disability and carers think of our accessible Walking Maps.Please tell us by completing this 5 minute survey.. Your feedback will help us to create local walks information of high quality for carers and people with disability.
Other accessible walks
Bendigo Heritage and Future Gardens Accessible Walk
Rosalind Park Accessible Walk
“Walking and rolling together: accessible walking trails for people with disability" is a partnership between Victoria Walks and Scope.
A popular greeting, meeting and eating place, there is room for wheelchairs to pass through and around. There is room between the BBQs and the tables for wheelchair seating, but it is tight.
Find 2 accessible spaces at the end of the car park next to the accessible toilets. These spaces provide for rear disembarking. They do not have protected side spaces. Other Weeroona car parks do.
The first 30m of the path from the start to the boardwalk has a moderate slope. Walking or rolling in this direction first makes this slope downhill. The slope at the finish is mild.
The wooden boardwalk is broad and generally solid. Some boards are loose and edges may be uneven
There are many seats and picnic tables in the park. Several have accessible features such as paving from the path edge, space for mobility aids and firm raised arm rests. Others are within lawns.
Mobility aids can be used throughout this walk.
The restaurant is a good place to sit for a chat over coffee, a cold drink or a full meal. There are tables inside and out.
The lakeside loop path is very easy to navigate. There are a few directional signs to help. There are also a number of informative signs (not all on the path). Accessible water taps are by the path.
Some surfaces aren't quite smooth. Beside the Nolan St car park is a plastic, slightly undulating surface. It had tan bark spills, a small lip and root rise. The gap at the bollard is more than 1.2m.
All 4 car parks offer accessible parking with ramp access directly into the park, except some behind the rowing club. Pick ups can be arranged at any of these locations. Mobile coverage is good.
As well as the BBQ Pavilions, there are many shade trees throughout the park. Much of the loop walk is still exposed to the weather though. Be SunSmart.
Trains may be noisy as they pass close by at the northern end of the park. The railway is not fenced.
This is a well maintained park. Watering is required and may cause pooling and soft edges. Maintenance equipment may be noisy.
A second public BBQ Pavilion is on the opposite side of the playground to the one at the walk start. There is room between the BBQs and the tables for wheelchair based seating, but it is tight.
A small landscaped promontory of smooth compacted granitic sand extends into the lake. It is popular with local water birds. Note: the protective chain link barrier fencing has broken in places.
A new and large accessible playground includes smooth, wide, flat paths, wheelchair ramps, an accessible carousel, and tactile features.
There are 2 accessible toilets at the start / finish of the walk. Doors are 850mm wide.
For a quick energy boost, coffee and food trucks park beside the main car park.
Napier St route 5 buses are every 30 minutes weekdays / every 60 minutes weekends. The outbound stop is 150m to the walk on a good path, inbound is 350m via traffic lights on a standard footpath.