For an appealing walk or roll and lovely picnic or BBQ spot visit Queens Park. Wander among large trees. See the mountain creek. Picnic under shelter, shade or on green lawns.
For an appealing walk or roll and lovely picnic or BBQ spot visit Queens Park. Wander among large trees. See the mountain creek. Picnic under shelter, shade or on green lawns.
The park is green and shady. There are tall trees and a creek. The playground and a children's traffic route are popular. Sports include basketball, tennis, cricket, football and swimming.
Is this walk accessible for me?
This walk is accessible for everyone. It is easy by foot, wheelchair or with other mobility aids.
How accessible is the path?
The path is a flat loop of firm, wide sealed or compacted gravel paths. There are some undulations, small tree root rises and uneven areas beside it. There is room for side by side walking and turning a wheelchair.
The narrowest path is a concrete footpath beside Grace Burn Creek. It may flood with heavy rain.
Cyclists may share some paths.
Rest areas
There are BBQs, picnic tables and many shady trees. Seating with armrests is available along the path. Some seats are surrounded by lawn.
A large BBQ and picnic shelter (by the swimming pool) has a smooth concrete floor, wheelchair space and roll under tables.
There is a playground with a tan bark base. It has accessible pathways through it and into some areas.
Refreshments are available next to the park at Healesville shops or at the Don Rd shops near the park.
2 accessible drinking water fountains are available, others are older bubble fountains. Carrying a water bottle is a good idea.
An accessible toilet is available.
Dogs must be on a leash.
A wide driveway from Don Rd enters the park. There are no dedicated accessible parking spaces. There are many sealed, firm, flat and smooth spaces with room for loading and easy access to the walk. Off street spaces behind the accessible toilet have least traffic.
Note: Badger Creek Rd parking is not recommended. It is on uneven, loose gravel backing onto a busy road. The footbridge crossing is awkward..
Public Transport
Maroondah Highway bus stops for routes 684 685 686 and 687 are 400 metres from Don Rd entrance.
Maroondah Highway entrance is 180 metres from these bus stops. The ramped crossing at Beechworth Bakery car park is short, but steep and angled - difficult for wheelchairs.
There are traffic lights at Don Road. The footpaths are sealed.
Other accessible walks
Croydon Park Accessible Walk
The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.
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“Walking and rolling together” is a partnership between Victoria Walks and Scope
The Don Rd entry to Queens Park is a smooth, wide, sealed driveway with blocks of recessed parking spaces. There is lots of parking space with loading room. There is no dedicated accessible parking.
Healesville is characterised by its lush mountain surroundings. Queens Park and the oval offer the same mountain backgrounds.
Behind a wall of community art is the Healesville swimming pool. It is open on summer afternoons.
Near the Don Rd entrance is a large shelter with BBQ and several picnic tables. A bricked path gives access to the shelter which includes wheelchair accessible open space and roll under tables.
This tumbling creek makes its way through the park below tall Mountain Ash trees. It is part of a Platypus conservation program.
The Grace Burn Walk section is a 1.4 metre wide, smooth concrete path that follows the course of the pretty Grace Burn Creek from Don Rd to Maroondah Hwy. There is even an ampitheatre.
Some of the park BBQs, seating, picnic tables and water fountains require lawn crossings to get to them. Note: this water fountain is of an older bubble style.
Some picnic tables and seats along the path are set in concrete connected to the path. Some picnic tables have roll under accessibility at each end.
This is a popular park for people using mobility aids. They manage the park paths well.
This ramped footbridge accesses shops and refreshments on Maroondah Highway. The Beechworth Bakery car park entry it leads too has an angled, steep ramp crossing that may be difficult for wheelchairs.
Routes 684, 685, 686 and 687 stop near Queens Park. Shelter, passenger information and seating is provided. It is 200m to the Maroondah Hwy entry by the footbridge or 400m to the Don Rd entry.
This marvellous sculptural perspective on diverse bird nests hovers over the path.
The section of the walk parallel with Badger Creek Road has a short, Dior slope at the park entry, small undulations and tree root rises.
A 2 metre wide sealed, smooth and flat path runs through the middle of the innovative playground. There are narrower paths within the playground. The playground base is tan bark.
This set of 5 unisex toilets includes 1 accessible toilet. The door is 0.85 metres wide and the room 2x2.6 metres. It was clean and well maintained.
A children's traffic route forms part of the walk. If in busy use there are alternative paths to take. Wheelchairs can follow this route. The open air basketball court is open to all visitors as well.
There are alternative paths within the park for different or shorter routes. Mobile coverage is good and there are parking opportunities throughout the park for different drop off and pick up points.