Nature Walk in Newlands Lake Reserve

Apsley-Langkoop Road, Apsley VIC 3319, Australia

Nature Walk in Newlands Lake Reserve

Apsley-Langkoop Road, Apsley VIC 3319, Australia

Staff Pick
38 m
3.1 km
Very Easy

The Newlands Lake Reserve is an enjoyable easy 5km walk. For a short distance you walk along a board walk and then for the remainder on a graded dirt track.

Nature Walk in Newlands Lake Reserve

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The Newlands Lake Reserve is an enjoyable easy 5km walk. For a short distance you walk along a board walk and then for the remainder on a graded dirt track.


The all-weather walking track links the township of Apsley to the picturesque Newlands Lake. Meandering through 258 hectares of natural bushland, stroll through red gums, wattles, manna gums, and banksias. In the spring the reserve becomes a bevy of beauty with wildflowers and orchids blooming. Bring your camera.

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Points of Interest

1. Federation Corner

Start your walk from here, Federation Corner was dedicated to the Centenary of Federation in 2001. Theres plenty of parking.

2. Board Walk

Your on your way from here, you can choose the length of your walk, theres markers along the way.

3. The Red Tail Black Cockatoo

The local species is on the endangered list and sometimes you can be lucky enough to spot them around the area. More interpretive signs are being developed.

4. Resting Place

Take a rest, listen to the sounds, watch the kangaroos.

5. Nearly there

Climb the sand dunes  what a view!

6. Newlands Lake

Youve arrived to a chorus of frogs (in winter) and birds all the time......
