Portarlington Rambler's Walk

Edina Ave, Portarlington VIC 3223, Australia

Portarlington Rambler's Walk

Edina Ave, Portarlington VIC 3223, Australia

Staff Pick
17 m
1.3 km
Very Easy

This is a very family friendly walk away from traffic, along a quiet, flat, gravel path, with great views across Corio Bay to the You Yangs, remnant coastal wetland and bird life.

Portarlington Rambler's Walk

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This is a very family friendly walk away from traffic, along a quiet, flat, gravel path, with great views across Corio Bay to the You Yangs, remnant coastal wetland and bird life.


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Find your way to the Point Richards car park (if coming by car, turn left off Portarlington Road 500m before the township).

The entrance to the walk is just past the jetty and the Marine National Park board in the car park. The track runs between Rambler's Road and the water's edge.

You can continue walking further on the track or simply turn back to return to the start point.

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Points of Interest

1. The Rotary Children's Park

A nice open play area, with a miniature train track (runs seasonally check beforehand if it's running).

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2. Notice board

Some good information about the Port Phillip Heads Marine National Park - it's history, local inhabitants and aquaculture.

3. Memorial Cairn

In 1989 a 16 year old boy was drowned trying to save his brother.

4. Official start of Rambler's Walk

Watch out for fellow bike riders. If you're bringing your pooch, please keep your dog on a lead.

5. Native trees and bushes

The scenery is very pleasant along Rambler's Walk. There are various indigenous plants to admire along the way.

6. Fisherman's cottages to modern mansions

Portarlington used to be a small seaside town. There are now many enormous houses as a result of more recent developments.

7. More trees and bushes

Some well established tall trees have been planted by residents.

8. Rest stop

There are several benches on this walking track. Take your pick from one of these two charming blue seats and gaze out to the You Yangs and beyond.

9. Coastal vegetation

Salt bush and noonflower.

10. A small lagoon

These areas provide protection from strong coastal winds for birds. You might see seagulls, pelicans, cormorants or ducks. These areas are at risk of inundation with storm surges and rising sea levels

11. Olive grove on the hill behind the town

Look to the south, between the houses and over to the hill for our local olive grove!


Playground Playground
Picnic spot Picnic spot
Seating available Seating available
Local treasures Local treasures
Art and culture Art and culture
Park / Garden Park / Garden