Cobbledick's Ford Streamside Reserve

1000 Cobbledicks Ford Rd, Wyndham Vale VIC 3024, Australia

Cobbledick's Ford Streamside Reserve

1000 Cobbledicks Ford Rd, Wyndham Vale VIC 3024, Australia

Staff Pick
8 m
.59 km

Very Picturesque spot on the Werribee River near Mt Cotterall.

Cobbledick's Ford Streamside Reserve

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Very Picturesque spot on the Werribee River near Mt Cotterall.


Special features include: Volcanic escarpments, unique vegetation with a species of Blue Box eucalyptus only found along the Werribee River and abundant birdlife. There is also the ruins of an old school house and the ford itself to look at and cross if you are game. While not a long walk, Cobbledick's Ford is a beautiful oasis on the somewhat desolate surrounding plains. There is a a well maintained path to follow, the reserve is well kept, and there has been a lot of work on revegetation and weed removal over the last few years.

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Points of Interest

1. Ruins of the old School house

Ruins of the old School house

2. Blue Box eucalypts

These trees are a botanical anomaly, found only here and in East Gippsland. They are obviously very old

3. Volcanic escarpments

The river cuts through the volcanic plain revealing the many layers of volcanic activity that have taken place over the last 5 million years or so.

4. Abundant Bird Life

Here some of the local Red Rump Parrots

5. The Old Ford

Supposedly where Hume and Hovell crossed the River in 1826.


Picnic spot Picnic spot
Seating available Seating available
Dog off-leash area Dog off-leash area
Historical interest Historical interest
Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden