Domino Rail Trail

Trentham Train Station, Victoria St, Trentham

Domino Rail Trail

Trentham Train Station, Victoria St, Trentham

Staff Pick
1 h 29 m
5.91 km
Very Easy

An easy flat walk along the old railway line between Lyonville and Trentham.

Domino Rail Trail

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An easy flat walk along the old railway line between Lyonville and Trentham.


The Domino Rail Trail is a 6km stretch of old railway line that connects Lyonville (approximately an hour and a half’s drive from Melbourne City) with Trentham. The trail can easily be walked in either direction, as a 12km return journey or a one-way trip. For a shorter walk, there are numerous landmarks along the route that make good stopping points before heading back the way you came.

If you choose to begin your walk at Trentham, find your way to the old train station, now the Tourist Information centre. Here you can see the rusted tracks beneath a carpet of grass, and walk around the old carriages which sit on the disused lines.

Follow the tracks west out of the train station precinct with the sleepers under your feet. The old line will bring you to a road, which you will need to cross to meet up with the trail on the far side. The sleepers will disappear and the path take you into a stand of introduced fir trees and then into the native forest.

From here, the path is incredibly straightforward, and you’d struggle to lose your way. The old rail line follows a direct route to Lyonville, cutting through the Wombat Forest. A collapsed bridge with a small diversion around it makes a good marker a couple of kilometres into the walk.

Further along, the line becomes raised, allowing a new perspective into the trees on either side. A rest spot with a bench and interpretive sign explains how the forest on one side of the path has been logged more recently than the other; see if you can notice the difference in tree height and density. After this point the railway line cuts through a hill, where the ground raises steeply at either side.

The last marker before the end of the route is a beautiful old wooden bridge, which is out of use as it is no longer safe to walk on. However, following the diversion (look out for the posts with green arrow markers) will take you around the bridge and give you a better view than you would have had from above.

The route ends at the site of the old Lyonville railway station. The track leads you conveniently to the car park of the Radio Springs Hotel, where you can stop for a light refreshment before heading home!

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Points of Interest

1. Trentham Railway Station

Disused train carriages still sit on the tracks at the old Trentham Railway Station, which you can walk around from the ground.

2. Old Railway Sleepers

Watch out for the railway sleepers underfoot along this section of the trail, which are slightly uneven footing.

3. Footbridge

A good point to turn around if you’re after a shorter walk.

4. Resting Point

Take a break at the bench and see if you can notice the difference between the older growth and younger forests on either side of the path.

5. Old Bridge

Following the diversion around the disused bridge will give you a great view of the wooden structure.

6. Lyonville

The trail ends (or begins, depending on your direction) at the site of the former Lyonville Railway Station. There is parking at both ends of the track.

7. Wild Melbourne

This walk was completed by Wild Melbourne, a not-for-profit specialising in nature engagement and dedicated to connecting people with nature.


Picnic spot Picnic spot
Seating available Seating available
Historical interest Historical interest
Nature trail Nature trail