Inner-Yarra urban hike: Fairfield to City

Fairfield Boathouse, Park Drive, Fairfield

Inner-Yarra urban hike: Fairfield to City

Fairfield Boathouse, Park Drive, Fairfield

4 h 3 m
16.21 km

A great big walk along Melbourne's Yarra River, beginning at the historic Fairfield Boathouse and passing Dights Falls, Abbotsford Convent and many other treasures. Finish at Federation Square.

Inner-Yarra urban hike: Fairfield to City

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A great big walk along Melbourne's Yarra River, beginning at the historic Fairfield Boathouse and passing Dights Falls, Abbotsford Convent and many other treasures. Finish at Federation Square.


This delightful day walk along the Yarra is one of nine 8-16km walks featured in our 'Great Melbourne Hikes' series.

Highlights: Breakfast at Fairfield Boathouse, Dights Falls (where the Merri meets the Yarra), Collingwood Childrens’ Farm, Abbotsford Convent, Corroboree Tree (Burnley Gardens), along then along the Capital City trail along the Yarra to Federation Square.

Thanks to Victoria Walks' Facebook followers Maree Marchant and Meg Matthews for suggesting this walk for a story we did with The Sunday Age.

For a shorter walk - try this one from Fairfield to Richmond (taking in many of the same sites).

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Points of Interest

1. Fairfield Boathouse

How about a cup of coffee and a bite to eat at the lovely boathouse before embarking on your Great Melbourne Hike? See information in link.

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2. The Pipe Bridge

This is the site of the original Fairfield pipe bridge, built to carry water form the Yan Yean Reservoir to the Inner Suburbs. You don't need to cross this modern-day version for this walk.

3. Yarra Bend Park

There are lots of beautiful, shady paths to choose from as you make your way south through Yarra Bend park

4. Over or under the Eastern Freeway

Use the Main Yarra Trail to cross under the Freeyway (but beware of cyclists who can travel fast along here). There is also a bridge over (Photo: Meg Matthews).

5. Dights Falls (Merri Creek meets the Yarra)

This weir is just downstream of the junction of the Merri Creek and the Yarra River. It's impressive, especially after rains! (Photo: Robert Jackson)

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6. Take the path up to the Convent

Just after you cross under this bridge (Studley Park Road), you'll see a path up towards the Abbotsford Convent and Collingwood Children's Farm.

7. Abbotsford Convent

The imposing grounds of the Abbotsford Convent are a great place to take in some history, art and a meal. See link for more info.

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8. Path past the Children's Farm

There is an entry fee to the Collingwood Children's Farm but you can explore the path than wends along beside the farm and see some of the animal action!

9. Beautiful stretch of the Yarra

This is a lovely stretch of the river to explore. You can cross here.. (Photo: Robert Jackson).

10. The Corroborree Tree

This tree is said to be the site of Aboriginal ceremonies; one of the very few identified non-archaeological sites of significance. More: see link

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11. Keep following the river

The views are not as great looking toward Citylink (!) but it's still a great walk on this side of the Yarra (Photo: Maree Marchant).

12. Federation Square

You've made it!


Picnic spot Picnic spot
Public toilets Public toilets
Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden