St Francis Nature Trail, Baranduda

Baranduda Boulevard, Baranduda. Beside school entrance.

St Francis Nature Trail, Baranduda

Baranduda Boulevard, Baranduda. Beside school entrance.

Staff Pick
7 m
.49 km
Very Easy

A short, fun nature trail loop. Enjoy views of the Baranduda Range, watch for birds, kangaroos and water bugs. Listen out for frogs.

St Francis Nature Trail, Baranduda

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A short, fun nature trail loop. Enjoy views of the Baranduda Range, watch for birds, kangaroos and water bugs. Listen out for frogs.


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Wander past the dam and tree planting into the woodland with big old trees, cross the waterway on the boardwalk. Listen for birds and frogs. Enjoy the view of Baranduda Range.

Easy to reach on foot from nearby estates. Optional links to the nature trail that crosses the school grounds.

This is a formed compacted gravel path, suitable for small prams (you need to squeeze through the entry gate). Mostly flat and the path is fairly even. Two small sections of boardwalk.

If this short walk has whet your appetite you might like to try the longer Baranduda Nature Trail walk.

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Points of Interest

1. Entry

Enter via the green gate from Baranduda Boulevard

2. Information

Learn about the reserve and how the school kids are helping out. From here you can choose to connect the the trails on the school grounds.

3. Views of the Range

Get a different perspective on the Baranduda Range from this low point in the landscape.

4. Big old trees

There is a nice big patch of big old trees.

5. Boardwalk

Cross the waterway and learn about the wildlife from the information sign


Nature trail Nature trail