Starting from Wenhams Camp this provides a more direct route to Kwat Kwat Lookout for excellent views of the Ovens Valley and the Victorian Alps.
Starting from Wenhams Camp this provides a more direct route to Kwat Kwat Lookout for excellent views of the Ovens Valley and the Victorian Alps.
Starting from Wenhams Camp this provides a more direct route to Kwat Kwat Lookout for excellent views of the Ovens Valley and the Victorian Alps.
It can be used as diversion or shortcut from the Friends Track.
This formed track has a mostly gentle gradient until the last 50 metres where it becomes steeper, and a few obstacles.
The walk is 1.7 kilometres one-way. Allow 30 minutes for this Grade 2 walk.
Take the road to the left which will lead to the Peregrine track and the Kwat Kwat Lookout.
When visiting the Warby Ovens National Park in Springtime there are an abundance of wild flowers and flowering shrubs.
Springtime in the Warby Ovens National Park sees a variety of flowers making for a feast of colour.
If you would like a longer walk you can take the Friends Track back to the Wenhams Camp starting point.
This is the steepest part of the track and walkers need to take care.
The lookout
View of farming countryside from Kwat Kwat Lookout.
From Kwat Kwat lookout view from Jubilee Golf Course.