Racecourse to the Murray walk

Towong Racecourse, Racecourse Lane, Towong 3707

Racecourse to the Murray walk

Towong Racecourse, Racecourse Lane, Towong 3707

Staff Pick
1 h 47 m
7.15 km

Settled beside the bends and billabongs of the Upper Murray, Towong Township is proud home to the grand Towong Racecourse with its iconic grandstand. Enjoy this return walk between the two.

Racecourse to the Murray walk

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Settled beside the bends and billabongs of the Upper Murray, Towong Township is proud home to the grand Towong Racecourse with its iconic grandstand. Enjoy this return walk between the two.


6.5km of pleasurable open air walking through the quiet hamlet of Towong awaits you in the Upper Murray valley. There are big skies, big mountains, broad landscapes, networks of Murray River waterways and interesting local histories to explore.

This is a return walk that follows Racecourse Lane and purpose built compacted granitic pathways between the fabulous Towong Racecourse and the Towong bridge over the Murray. A short stroll further along Towong Hill Road and around a bend exposes you to glorious views across the river floodplain to Mt Kosciuszko, Mt Townsend and the Australian Alps.

Anyone who can walk 6.5km can appreciate this walk. It is quite flat, with the only mild slope being the short distance up Towong Hill Road past the bridge.

This is a walk good for any time of year. That being said, much of the walk is exposed to the elements, so keep in mind the need to be prepared for winter weather (with an amazing snow capped view) and hot and dry in summer (relish a paddle when the river is low). Carry water, be SunSmart and wear suitable clothing.

A picnic beside the river or at the racecourse will cap your day. Note though, Towong is a BYO location, the town does not have a store or fuel supply.

Dogs should be on a leash.

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Points of Interest

1. Towong Racecourse Grandstand

The Towong Racing Club held races along the main road from 1871. The racecourse was built in 1883, then the grandstand in 1912. The grandstand was a setting for key scenes in the film Phar Lap.

2. The story of Towong horse racing

For a history of horse racing in Towong read the comprehensive story boards on display under the grandstand ramp to the seating.

3. Towong Memorial Hall

Constructed in 1925, the Hall remains in active use by the local community. Historic Honour Boards inside mark the achievements of past generations. Renovation is being planned.

4. Site of Towong State School No. 2380

Opened in 1883, the school originally catered to twenty students. It operated until 1953 when it was closed down. The location is now home to the Towong tennis courts.

5. Maggie’s tree

Maggie was one of the last full blood aborigines in the district. She died in 1878. Maggie would often be seen at this tree (now a curved stump).

6. The path

Towong Shire Council have constructed a broad compacted granitic pathway through town to the Murray to make walking access easy.

7. Period housing

Examples of housing that mark the township's early days remain. Many locals take pride in their gardens.

8. Site of the Towong Hotel

A private residence now stands on the site of the only hotel in town, built in 1871. Some brickwork and site levelling remains to mark its location. It closed in the 1900s and was demolished in 1952.

9. Post Office site

Opposite this letterbox was the original Towong PO and telephone exchange. They burnt down in 1970. An interesting fact: Towong was the original location planned for the main town of Corryong.

10. Path to the river

The path to the river keeps to a very deep nature strip between the roads and private properties. It is interrupted by a wetland which means walking along the quiet Brooke Street for a short distance.

11. The Murray River

Crossing Brooke Road at the local pump houses takes you to the banks of the Murray River.

12. A new bridge

At the time of writing construction of a new Towong bridge across the Murray was well underway. Continuing past it on Towong Hill Road brings more lovely landscapes and another walk in the making.

13. River flats

The river floodplain provides inspiring landscapes full with the meandering river, billabongs, birdlife, rich pasture, cropping and ancient River Red Gums.

14. View to the Australian Alps

The view across the Murray to New South Wales and the Australian Alps is a spectacle any time of year, but the snow caps in winter are particularly special. They include Mt Kosciuszko and Townsend.


Picnic spot Picnic spot
Public toilets Public toilets
Historical interest Historical interest
Art and culture Art and culture
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden