Lysterfield Park Visitor Area & Dam Wall Accessible Walk

Beach Area car park, Lysterfield Park, Horswood Rd., Lysterfield 3156

Lysterfield Park Visitor Area & Dam Wall Accessible Walk

Beach Area car park, Lysterfield Park, Horswood Rd., Lysterfield 3156

Staff Pick
45 m
2.07 km

Lysterfield Park Visitor Area is a terrific picnic, walking and rolling spot. Add crossing the dam wall for its views of the countryside, beaches and water - and you have a great day out.

Lysterfield Park Visitor Area & Dam Wall Accessible Walk

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Lysterfield Park Visitor Area is a terrific picnic, walking and rolling spot. Add crossing the dam wall for its views of the countryside, beaches and water - and you have a great day out.


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This walk or roll takes you through a stand of attractive Spotted Gums in the bush picnic area by Lysterfield Lake. It then crosses the dam wall with water views over the beaches to the hills around the park.

Is this walk accessible for me?
This walk is accessible for everyone. It can be done by foot, in a wheelchair or with other mobility aids. There are no steps on the walk as mapped.

How accessible is the path?
The walking path runs parallel to the lake shore. The path ranges from 1.25 to 1.5 meters wide through the picnic area and a smooth, flat 4 meters on the wall. It is undulating through the picnic area with mild slopes. The main Park Information shelters with maps and other information are difficult to access. There are other occasional path side direction signs.

There are multiple locations where a wheelchair can be turned around. Side by side wheelchair travel is not always possible, but a carer can walk beside a mobility aid user if required.

Parking at alternative pick up points for a shorter walk is available. Mobile phone coverage is good.

There is leaf litter with dirt washes across the path in some places. The beach area section has drop offs to the grassy slope below it. There are some root rises and cracks in the sealed surface. The path ramps moderately for 20 meters for an uneven entry to the safety railed footbridge across to the dam wall and then up to wall itself. Some mobility aid users may prefer to have assistance at these locations.

Rest areas
Aside from picnic tables, occasional seats are to be found. These tend to be benches. Some BBQs and picnic tables are accessible directly from the path. Most have island locations across grass or dirt surfaces on sloping ground. There are no bins. Please take your rubbish home.

There is a cafe at the Horswood Rd entrance.

Drinking water is available from non-accessible fountains and taps. Carry a water bottle.

There is an accessible toilet next to the Beach Area car park.

Cyclists may share pathways.

Pets are not permitted.

Public Transport
There is no accessible public transport into the park.

There are 2 accessible parking spaces at Beach Area car park with a side protection zone. The surface is sealed, smooth and flat. The car park exit has to be crossed to get to the walk via a ramped 1.3 meter wide asphalt path.

The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.

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Points of Interest

1. Accessible parking

There are 2 accessible spaces with a protected side zone between them in Beach Area car park. You need to cross the car park exit to access the ramp to the 1.3 meter wide walking path.

2. Drinking water

Drinking water fountains and taps are not accessible. Carry a water bottle.

3. Drop off from the path edge

Accumulated dirt narrows the path to 1.25 meters here and in other locations. This section of the path also has a 30 centimetre drop off to the dirt below. Take care.

4. Beaches and birds

There are many nice places to sit and enjoy the view and the birdlife.

5. Footbridge to the dam wall - eastern end

The visitor area access to the dam wall footbridge lies below a moderate 20 meter slope. Some mobility aid users might prefer to have assistance approaching / exiting the footbridge.

6. Footbridge

The footbridge to the dam wall has safety rails. It is smooth, flat and 1.65 meters wide.

7. Dam wall footbridge access - western end

There is a short, smooth, moderate slope at the dam wall end of the footbridge. Mobility aid users may prefer to have assistance.

8. The dam wall

It is a fine walk across the dam wall with views to the countryside one way or the water the other. Activities you might observe happening from the wall include birding, bushwalking, BMX and boating.

9. Kangaroo watch

Below the western end of the dam wall is a grassy spot often warm and sunny where you might find lounging kangaroos like this big buck.

10. Accessible BBQs and picnic tables

There are some BBQs and picnic tables directly accessible from the path. Others are in island settings across grassy or dirt surfaces.

11. Accessible toilet

Opposite the Beach Area car park is an accessible toilet. Door width is 0.85 meters. Floor area is 1.55x2.45 meters. There is an other accessible toilet at the opposite end of the visitor area.

12. A place for families to explore

The visitor area has plenty of room for kids to run or roll around. It is great to explore on foot, with a pram or using a mobility aid.

13. The paths

Visitor area paths are sealed with asphalt and between 1.25 and 1.5 meters in width. They undulate, have some root rises and cracks.

14. Signs

There are occasional direction signs along the path. This path clearly follows the lakeside.


Picnic spot Picnic spot
Drinking water available Drinking water available
Seating available Seating available
Public toilets Public toilets
Pram friendly Pram friendly
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden
Accessible walk Accessible walk