Belvoir Park is a large, treed space with a lake and many water birds. The park features accessible walking tracks, BBQ, picnic and play facilities. It is a great place for a day outdoors.
Belvoir Park is a large, treed space with a lake and many water birds. The park features accessible walking tracks, BBQ, picnic and play facilities. It is a great place for a day outdoors.
The park at Belvoir Lake has plenty to see and enjoy. A sealed accessible path through pretty gardens circles the lake. There are attractive picnic and play spaces and plenty of birds to observe.
Is this walk accessible for me?
Paths are sealed, smooth and flat. Most are suitable for side-by-side travel, wheelchair turning and passing. No steps or overhead obstacles are encountered. It is easy to follow the path around the lake. Map signs are present. These are detailed and may be difficult for some people to interpret.
There are drop offs to grass, water and gravel without safety rails and some cracks and chips in the concrete surface. The lake is subject to flooding.
Rest areas
The area is very well maintained. Accessible roll under BBQs, roll under picnic tables in wheelchair accessible shelters, accessible bins and playground equipment (including a Liberty Swing) are provided. There is a sheltered community pizza oven (book here) and a visiting coffee and refreshment van.
There is tree shade and built shelter. Most of the path itself is exposed to the weather. Frequently spaced seats with back and arm rests and room for wheelchair parking beside them are connected to the walk by concrete paths.
Shorter walking or rolling distances can be organised using alternative parking areas along the walk. Mobile phone coverage is good.
Accessible drinking water fountains are connected to the path.
Accessible toilets are provided.
Dogs must be leashed. A fenced off leash area is separate to the path.
Cyclists may share these pathways.
Accessible parking spaces are available at Sumison Gardens car park. Surfaces are sealed, smooth and flat. These have protected side zones. Rear loading is toward the traffic stream. There are tactile ramps through kerbs. The driveway needs to be crossed if you do not want to go around the large play spaces. This crossing is unmarked. This car park can be busy. It is a one-way loop with slow traffic.
Other parking areas are available around the lake. Some have gravel parking spaces.
The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.
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“Together More Active: accessible walking trails for people with disability” is a partnership between Victoria Walks, Disability Sport & Recreation and Regional Sport Victoria.
Ramped accessible parking with protected side space is available.
If you are looking for refreshment, a coffee / snack van visits the car Sumison Gardens car park.
Accessible BBQ and picnic shelters include sealed connecting paths, roll under BBQs and tables. There is room for wheelchairs to move around.
The Sumsion Gardens accessible toilet has a door width of 0.8 meters and floor area 2x2.4 meters. Doors open inward and can be heavy. Assistance may be required. There is another along the path.
The community pizza oven has an accessible shelter. Bookings are required. Note the accessible toilet block in the background.
There is an extensive playground including ramped access to some equipment and a Liberty Swing.
Depending on how far you want to walk or roll you can choose to go around the large playground or take the shorter route across the car park to the lake. The crossing is ramped but not marked.
Accessible drinking water is provided.
There are outdoor picnic tables connected to the path with room to roll up beside them.
Seats with backrests or benches are provided all around the lake.
Some pavement joins have chips and cracks. Keep an eye on the sealed surface, particularly if your mobility device has narrow wheels.
The path is 1.5 to 2.2 meters wide, smooth and flat. There is tree shade in parts, but much of it is exposed to the weather. For longer walks or rolls explore adjoining paths nearby.
There are good views across the lake from the path. Many waterbirds visit of call the lake home. The gazebo on the middle is a good spot for a 360-degree view.
Outdoor gyms are provided along the path.