St Monica's Primary School walking route (Primrose St)

89 Primrose Street, Essendon VIC 3040, Australia

St Monica's Primary School walking route (Primrose St)

89 Primrose Street, Essendon VIC 3040, Australia

Staff Pick
13 m
.88 km
Very Easy

This walk is one of four routes to and from St Monica's Primary School in Moonee Ponds. It is both an Walking School Bus route and an informal walk to school route used by students and families.

St Monica's Primary School walking route (Primrose St)

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This walk is one of four routes to and from St Monica's Primary School in Moonee Ponds. It is both an Walking School Bus route and an informal walk to school route used by students and families.


Find out more

The route was identified as a part of St Monica's Walking School Bus program. Families chose the route so it would enable the greatest number of students from that area of Moonee Ponds to join the walk to and from school.

The route is popular and safe and has interesting things for students and their siblings to look at along the way.

After this route was chosen, the school informed Moonee Valley City Council and the Council then audited the route to ensure it was safe and in good condition. Following the Council audit, a number of small infrastructure improvements were made to the route. These included evening out the footpath so it was smoother to walk on and installing pram ramps so roads were easier to cross.

It is a great example of a school community and local Council working together to ensure students can gave to school happy, alert and ready to learn!

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Points of Interest

1. Walk start: Primrose and Albion St

Meet here at 8.20am to start the morning walk to school.

2. Crossing Fitzgerald St

Always remember to stop, look, listen and think as this crossing does not have lights.

3. Crossing Pascoe Vale Rd and then Fletcher St.

There are two streets to cross here, they are quite busy roads but both have traffic lights.

4. Flowers and frontyards

There are lots of interesting things to look at on the walk including flowers, trees and interesting ornamanents in front yards.

5. Crossing Buckley St

Another busy road to cross but it has traffic lights. Always check for turning cars, they are suppose to give way but always check they have seen you as you cross.

6. Along Buckley St

This street is a little quieter. Council has laid some new sections of footpath and ensured the old path is nice and smooth. Keep an eye out for cars coming our of driveways.

7. Crossing Hutcheson St

Stop, look and think before crossing as they are no traffic lights here. There is a refuge in the middle of the crossing to make it safer.

8. The laneway

Check for cars before you cross the little laneway. Council has made the laneway speed limit 10km/h which is great.

9. Heritage St

Check before crossing this little street which is a no through road. You are nearly at school!

10. St Monica's Primary School

Well done, you are here!


Pram friendly Pram friendly