A wonderful walk along a steep, narrow path that rewards with breathtaking views out to sea. Early sections are relatively easy-going, but track becomes narrower and more difficult as you climb.
A wonderful walk along a steep, narrow path that rewards with breathtaking views out to sea. Early sections are relatively easy-going, but track becomes narrower and more difficult as you climb.
A wonderful walk along a steep, narrow path that rewards with breathtaking views out to sea. Early sections are relatively easy-going, but track becomes narrower and more difficult as you climb.
This is a return walk that Google has calculated to be 1.4 hours, best allow 2 hours. Click the link above to the Parks Victoria website and it will give any information you might need such as any current warnings (unlikely).
The rocky summit of Mt Bishop offers magnificent views of the Prom’s west coast and offshore islands.
Follow the Lilly Pilly Gully Circuit Track and turn off at the side track that leads to the rocky summit of Mt Bishop. Magnificent views are offered of the Prom’s west coast and off shore islands. Retrace your steps to the car park or return via Lilly Pilly Gully Nature Walk.
I tracked this walk using a GPX but may not be 100% accurate as phone reception isn't always great. Likewise the positioning of the points of interest (photos) were a bit of a guess. But don't worry the track is well marked and established so you wont get lost.
No a lot of shade for the fist little bit, but great to get going.
Great bridge to cross after rain.
Love it when you can see the sea from the track!
The path gets a little rocky in parts, but it's not a problem for people steady on their feet.
Path gets a bit smoother again as you near the top.
Wonderful spot to stop for lunch as it's usually sheltered from the wind the summit isn't).
View to Tidal River and Norman Bay.
View from the summit to Squeaky Beach is definitely worth the walk!