More than 130 years ago Edgars Creek was dammed to form Edwardes Lake. Today the lakeside path offers easy walking or rolling in peaceful gardens amongst a variety of birdlife.
More than 130 years ago Edgars Creek was dammed to form Edwardes Lake. Today the lakeside path offers easy walking or rolling in peaceful gardens amongst a variety of birdlife.
Walk or roll around a wide lake with waterbirds, surrounded by pretty gardens and many majestic trees.
Is this walk accessible for me?
This walk is accessible for everyone. It is easy by foot, wheelchair or using other mobility aids.
How accessible is the path?
There are maps at park entrances. The lake walk is clearly defined. The entrance path curves into the park on a mild slope. The lake side paths are smooth, very wide and generally flat. There are no steps on the walk as mapped. The park is very well maintained.
Most paved areas that are right on the water’s edge have safety rails. The small jetty does not have safety rails.
Wheelchairs have ample room for turning around and side by side travel. Alternative or return routes can be taken. There are different locations around the park for pick up and drop off by car. Mobile coverage is good.
There are shelters and large trees for shade. Seating with arm rests are connected to the path by paved surfaces, but not all picnic tables are. Accessible drinking water fountains are provided.
Also available are two playgrounds (one accessible), BBQs, picnic tables, shelters and bins - plus there is a full-size steam engine to see.
An athletics track, skate park, tennis, netball and bowling club, are to be found in other areas of the park. There is nowhere to buy refreshments.
An accessible toilet and MLAK Changing Places bathroom can be found beside the entrance path.
Dogs must be on a leash on the lakeside walk. There is a designated off leash area at the corner of Leamington Street and Seaver Grove.
The Griffiths Street entrance has two accessible parking spaces with a protected side space between them. Traffic passes to the rear of these spaces. It is slowed by speed humps. There is ramped access directly into the park. No road crossing or walking through a car park is required. The car parking surface is sealed, smooth and flat.
Public Transport
Buses 553 and 561 stop at Gilbert Rd / Edwardes St near the Gilbert Street entrance to the park. No ramps or pedestrian road crossing are provided. Only one stop is sheltered. Passenger information is available.
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The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.
There are 2 accessible spaces on Griffiths Street with a protected side zone between them. The ramped entry to a 1.5 meter wide, smooth concrete path takes you directly into the park.
Two 1.5 meter wide, smooth concrete entry paths go to the main lake loop. These are on a mild slope to the water. If the straighter path is a bit steep, take the switchback one with a gentler slope.
There are outdoor picnic tables on concrete pads with roll under ends for wheelchairs. You have to cross grassy lawns to access them.
Pictured on the right is the accessible toilet (door 0.92 meters, area 2.4x2.52 meters). An MLAK Changing Places bathroom is also located in this block of public toilets.
The accessible play space has smooth wide paths leading to accessible play equipment.
Where the entry path meets the main path you will find accessible sheltered picnic facilities.
There is a pretty jetty with a ramp to the water's edge for those who want to get closer and contemplate the scenery. Note: there is a lip at the main path and there are no safety rails on the water.
The park is well maintained by a friendly parks and gardens team.
Buses 553 and 561 stop near the Edwardes Street entrance. One is sheltered, both have passenger information and a concrete footpath. There are no ramps or pedestrian crossings over the road.
Looking across the dam wall curtain fall from Edwardes Street.
Seats with armrests are regularly spaced along the path.
There are safety rails along most sections of the path that are directly exposed to the water.
Signs describing features of the Park are spaced around the lake. These are angled and set low to the ground for people to be able to roll up too.
Many birds call this place home or visit for a feed, such as this White-faced heron. The main sealed path follows a billabong good for birdwatching. There is also a granitic sand path.
There are many shady trees along the path, but sections are still exposed to the weather. Be WinterWarm or SunSmart.
The loop path around the lake is sealed, smooth and 2.7 meters wide. There is plenty of room for side by side travelling.
The main lake loop path is the most accessible. It is easy to find your way around. There are maps at entrances showing alternative routes, drop off and pick up locations.