Lake Guthridge Accessible Walk, Sale

McIntosh Drive, Sale 3850

Lake Guthridge Accessible Walk, Sale

McIntosh Drive, Sale 3850

Staff Pick
45 m
2.37 km

For a relaxing walk or roll along a leafy path beside a tranquil lake make sure you stop at Lake Guthridge in Sale. It really is a lovely spot with great facilities for everyone to enjoy.

Lake Guthridge Accessible Walk, Sale

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For a relaxing walk or roll along a leafy path beside a tranquil lake make sure you stop at Lake Guthridge in Sale. It really is a lovely spot with great facilities for everyone to enjoy.


Lake Guthridge is a shallow man-made lake surrounded by a relaxing tree lined park. It is popular for recreation such as walking, rolling, accessible boating and fishing. Birdwatching enthusiasts can observe diverse native and migratory species in the area.

Paths are smooth, sealed or compacted granitic sand ranging from 2.25 to 2.4 meters wide. There is a pinch point at the Botanic Gardens lakeside gate of 1.35 meters. Various map signs and trail markers provide direction, time and distance for local walking paths.

There can be small lips where surfaces change, but no steps are encountered. There are gentle slopes along Foster St with a mild camber toward the lake. There is also a mild camber toward the outside edges of some granitic sand paths. There are branches overhead, but no overhead obstacles were encountered.

There are path edge drops to grass, dirt and water. Safety rails are only provided in some areas. They do not always reflect the presence or absence of drop offs.

There is space to turn a wheelchair and are alternative pick-up points with vehicle access all around the lake. Mobile coverage is good.

The northern path is close to the traffic noise of Foster St.

Cyclists may share some paths.

The lake is subject to flooding.

Rest areas
The area is very well maintained. Various styles of seating include some with armrests and bench style picnic tables. Most are island settings requiring grass crossing. There is tree shade and are some shelters. Much of the path is exposed to the weather.

BBQ shelters and picnic tables can accommodate wheelchairs. Front loading bins are provided. There are accessible viewing platforms and a jetty gives access to the local Sailability Program. Interpretive signage and cultural features are installed. Food and drink services are nearby on Raymond St and York St.

Drinking water fountains are provided, carrying water is advised.

Accessible toilets are available at both ends of the lake.

Dogs should be on a leash.

There are 2 wide accessible parking spaces opposite each other across a slight slope on McIntosh Drive. Neither have protected zones. Rear loading is to the Drive. It is 5 meters along the one-way Drive to ramped access to the path. The surface is sealed and smooth. There is no marked crossing on the Drive, watch for traffic.

There are also twenty public spaces. Alternative locations for parking surround the lake.

The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding all abilities access. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.

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Points of Interest

1. The paths

A smooth concrete path runs lakeside on Foster Street. Travel either direction from here. If you need a shorter return walk or roll, consider the quieter granitic path on the other side of the lake.

2. Interpretive signs

Accessible interpretive signs have been installed along the path.

3. Dogs

Dogs must be on a leash and under control at all times on the lakeside path.

4. Direction signs

Direction signs are frequent and well located. They include destination, distance and time taken.

5. Alternative drop off or pick up points

There are various alternative drop off or pick up car parks around the lake to facilitate shorter walks. These 2 accessible spaces are next to the Aquatic Centre. Buses No. 1, 2 and 7 also stop here.

6. Plant ingrowth

In some places the bordering plants have had time to grow into the path. These get cleared periodically, but you can also request maintenance using the link below.

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7. Entering Sale Botanic Gardens

The path shares Sale Botanic Gardens lakeside frontage. The gate is 1.35 meters wide. The gardens are a treat, so make sure you return to see the rest of them! Click the link.

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8. Accessible viewing platform

Look out over the lake from this platform at the bottom of Sale Botanic Gardens.

9. Community Seed Garden

The garden gives locals and community groups the opportunity to take part in activities that encourage friendship while also learning new skills and enjoying the many benefits of growing vegetables.

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10. Nakunbalook Environmental and Cultural Education Center

This place hosts learning programs including Wellington's Sustainable Living Education program, community group meetings, workshops, citizen science pop-up labs and Aboriginal cultural experiences.

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11. Bush play

This is a cute spot for play amongst or just looking at the wonderful, sculpted creatures placed in the trees.

12. The jetty

The Lake Guthridge Sailability Program launches from here. You can roll on to the jetty for an excellent view across the lake.

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13. Birdlife

Many birds visit or call Lake Guthridge home. Please do not feed the birds!

14. Outdoor gym equipment

If you can get into the seat, why not have a go?

15. Accessible toilet

The MacIntosh Drive accessible toilet has bilateral rails, soap dispensers and inward opening doors. The door entry is 1.0 meter wide, floor area 2.5x2.4 meters.

16. McIntosh Drive toilet access

The McIntosh toilet block is ramped for mobility aid users. Basins are on the sheltered protico. There are also picnic tables and accessible front-loading rubbish bins.

17. Accessible parking

McIntosh Drive has 2 accessible oversize spaces in front of the Little McMillan Park playground. Access to the ramp to the path is 5 meters to the south (left of photo) along the one-way road.

18. Outdoor picnic tables

Outdoor picnic tables of various vintage are beside but not connected to the path. Access requires grass or dirt crossing.

19. Accessible BBQ shelters

McIntosh Drive has 2 BBQ shelters with room for wheelchairs. This one is at the main car park


Playground Playground
Picnic spot Picnic spot
Drinking water available Drinking water available
Seating available Seating available
Public toilets Public toilets
Pram friendly Pram friendly
Historical interest Historical interest
Art and culture Art and culture
Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden
Accessible walk Accessible walk