Walnut Avenue Wildnerness Walk

544 Walnut Avenue, Mildura VIC 3500, Australia

Walnut Avenue Wildnerness Walk

544 Walnut Avenue, Mildura VIC 3500, Australia

Staff Pick
17 m
1.4 km

This a winding walking delight. Wide, well- lit bitumen paths, crossing a bridge overseeing the wetlands where numerous wildlife live. Trendy playground, sheltered BBQ area, bubble tap & resting seat.

Walnut Avenue Wildnerness Walk

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This a winding walking delight. Wide, well- lit bitumen paths, crossing a bridge overseeing the wetlands where numerous wildlife live. Trendy playground, sheltered BBQ area, bubble tap & resting seat.


Commence your walk at 544 Walnut Ave, follow the bitumen path, over the bridge and all the way to Arnold Street. Follow the Arnold St pathway to Sturt Highway.Then return. If you would like to continue your trek, cross over Sturt Highway at crossings which leads you into another trail taking you to San Mateo Ave.

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Points of Interest

1. Long view of the waterway at the start of the walk

Gives you a lovely view of approaching waterways.

2. Wildlife on the waterways

A number of ducks and a pelican can be seen taking advantage of the waterways.

3. family fun BBQ area & drinking tap

Time to stop and relax with the family and have a barbie

4. Children\'s Playground

Kids can play in the playgroung while parents cook a BBQ

5. Crossing Waterway Bridge

Approaching the bridge that oversees the waterways and wildlife.

6. View of waterways from Bridge

Looking over the waterways from the Bridge

7. Over the Bridge View

Over the bridge and havea closer look at the wildlife


Public Transport Public Transport
Playground Playground
Picnic spot Picnic spot
Drinking water available Drinking water available
Seating available Seating available
Pram friendly Pram friendly
Historical interest Historical interest
Local treasures Local treasures
Art and culture Art and culture
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden