Mildura City to Lock 11 & Riverfront walk

110-116 Madden Avenue, Mildura VIC 3500, Australia

Mildura City to Lock 11 & Riverfront walk

110-116 Madden Avenue, Mildura VIC 3500, Australia

Staff Pick
49 m
3.9 km


Mildura City to Lock 11 & Riverfront walk

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Start at Council Office walk to 9th St turn left, walk along 9th St to Chaffey Ave & turn right, walk to the Arts Centre, cross the road here & walk down the stairs to Rio Vista Park. Cross the Park to the river, follow the river upstream to the Wharf. Turn right at the Wharf and walk up the hill to Madden Ave, cross 7th Street (carefully) & continue iwalking along Madden Ave back to the Council Office.

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Points of Interest

1. Mildura Arts Centre

Mildura Arts Centre includes a newly constructed Theatre, Art Galleries and the historic Rio Vista house (originally owned by W.B. Chaffey) or grab a bit to eat at the cafe.

2. Lock 11

If your timing is right, you can watch the workings of Lock 11 and see paddlesteamers and boats pass through on their way up or down stream.

3. Mildura Weir

See the Mildura Weir in operation as it holds back the water and cascades 3-4 metres to the lower water level downstream.

4. MIldura Rowing Club & lawns

A great place to take a rest and view the might Murray River.

5. The Mildura Wharf

The old wooden wharf is still used on a daily basis by the local paddlesteamers.

6. Mildura's Langtree Mall

For all your shopping delights, a snack or a meal.


Playground Playground
Picnic spot Picnic spot
Drinking water available Drinking water available
Seating available Seating available
Public toilets Public toilets
Local treasures Local treasures
Art and culture Art and culture
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden