The Three Capes Track Walk, Tasmania

Port Arthur, Tasmania

The Three Capes Track Walk, Tasmania

Port Arthur, Tasmania

Staff Pick
18 h 40 m
42.09 km

The Three Capes Track is an fantastic 4-day walking experience along 48 kilometres of cliff-hugging stunning coastline in Australia.

The Three Capes Track Walk, Tasmania

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The Three Capes Track is an fantastic 4-day walking experience along 48 kilometres of cliff-hugging stunning coastline in Australia.


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The Three Capes Track is an fantastic 4-day walking experience along 48 kilometres of cliff-hugging stunning coastline in Australia.

The Three Capes Track is walked in one direction with a maximum of 48 walkers per day, but people can walk by themselves or in small groups. The track includes the highest coastal cliff tops in Australia that have some shear drops down to the water. There are no fences or barriers so walkers must stay on the paths.

Walkers are required to stay one night in each overnight stop which is a collection on some pretty amazing 4 bunk cabins and shared dining hubs that are equipped with heating, gas cooktops, tables and seating.

The track must be booked in advance booked in advance and costs between $400-$500 for the 4 days.

We have also mapped the 4-day walk in stages, click here to see Day 1, Day 2 , Day 3 or Day 4.

This first Day starts from the Port Arthur Historic Site where you catch a ferry (included in the walk) across to Demans Cove. Rather than go directly across to the Cove the boat takes you for a trip long the amazing coastline towards Cape Raoul first. You get to see the cliffs and some sea caves up very close as wells as a wide variety of birdlife (we saw sea eagles). The walk from the Cove is relatively short and easy 1.5 hours, but you can stop, take longer and enjoy the experience.

Note, although the walk is called The Three Capes Track, it really only goes to two Capes (Pillar and Huay) but you get to see Raoul from across the water.

Note, the time and distance that has been automatically calculated for the walk are incorrect. The walk is 48 km and takes longer than 10 hours, it is done over four days.

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Points of Interest

1. Surveyors Cove

Descend down to the water at this wonderful sheltered rocky cove.

2. Surveyors Cabins (night 1)

Pretty amazing accommodation! The cabins are the same at all the sites, but the general camp areas all vary to meet the topography.

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3. A seat of found objects

There are some pretty amazing seats on the walk, and this one made of found objects washed up on a beach is a beauty.

4. 'One Small Patch'

There are some artworks tp be found along the Track, such as this mosaic in the boardwalk

5. View to Cape Raoul

Walking up the short climb to Arthur's Peak gives some wonderful views across the water.

6. The varying bush

It is really interesting how much variety there is in the vegetation along the track, you won't be bored.

7. The Munro cabins (night 2)

Such a welcoming sight after the day's walk. This cabin is the only one with a shower, it's not running water but, a bucket on a rope that was satisfying nonetheless.

8. The view from Munro

The view from the deck at Munro is spectacular

9. A snake's tail

The tail of a snake made put of beautifully placed rocks marks the start (or end) of a two km boardwalk.

10. An eye in the boardwalk

A mosaic eye set in the boardwalk looks back up at you.

11. Boardwalk into the distance

The boardwalk winds and wends into the distance but it roughly stays at the same altitude.

12. Tasman Island

The lighthouse was staffed until the mid 1970s, it has three houses, shear cliffs and would have been very isolated. Off to the left is 'The Blade'

13. View from The Blade

The Blade is a very narrow and steep outcrop that is not for the faint hearted. View is magnificent but don't leave the path as there are no barriers!

14. Cape Pillar

This photo does not do justice to the drop down to the water which some might find a little scary.

15. Retakunna (night 3)

Retakunna, but this is not the cabin, it's the toilet block, pretty impressive isn't it! All waste is taken out by helicopter.

16. The rainforest

The rain forest atop of Mount Fortescue was one of the most stunning sections of the entire Three Capes Track.

17. The trees

Don't forget to look up now and then, some of the trees are quite amazing!

18. Black fungi

This was an amazing find in a small damp section of the track. The layers were probably more than 20cm in total.

19. The coast

More stunning views out to sea make for a good spot to sit and ponder.

20. The track over the hill

The track out to Cape Hauy is hard work with hundreds of steps that weave through the vegetation.

21. Down to the water

For anyone scared of heights, this view down form the end viewing platform can be a bit overwhelming.

22. The end

The official end of the Three Capes Walk, what an truly amazing experience!


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Art and culture Art and culture
Nature trail Nature trail