Swan Wall Walk, Winton Wetlands

Lake Mokoan Rd., Winton North 3673

Swan Wall Walk, Winton Wetlands

Lake Mokoan Rd., Winton North 3673

Staff Pick
20 m
1.5 km

This short return walk takes you along the wall of the sizeable and pretty Duck Pond. Views across the water and into the wetlands are extensive. Observing the pond and woodland birdlife is a treat.

Swan Wall Walk, Winton Wetlands

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This short return walk takes you along the wall of the sizeable and pretty Duck Pond. Views across the water and into the wetlands are extensive. Observing the pond and woodland birdlife is a treat.


This walking track follows the top of the dam wall along the eastern edge of Duck Pond. It is a fantastic place for bird watching. Take a seat, binoculars, sketch book and / or camera. You will enjoy spotting the variety of birdlife that gather here both on the water and in the adjacent woodland.

Take your time walking along the top of the wall. The wall is constructed of rocky fill that creates an uneven surface. This walk may not suit people unsteady on their feet. The grass can get quite long and snakes are commonly sighted in this area.

Remember if you pass through a gate that has been closed, shut it behind you.

There is no camping or fire lighting allowed at Duck Pond. Camping is permitted at nearby Bush Camp where there is also a picnic table. This involves booking and payment via the website: Winton Wetlands camping You can walk there using the Heron Loop Walk linked below or drive there via the entrance you passed at 9.4km from the Mokoan Hub and Cafe.

The nearest public toilets are at the Mokoan Hub and Cafe car park.

This is a walk for all seasons. It can get hot in summer. Carry food, water, First Aid, be SunSmart.

Pets are not permitted in Winton Wetlands.

From the Mokoan Hub and Cafe head right along Lake Mokoan Road for 10km. Turn right into the Duck Pond entrance and park in the gravel car park provided. Your walk travels the top of the pond wall to the end and back.

Parts of Winton Wetlands are remote. In case of emergency call 000.

Other walks to enjoy at Winton Wetlands:
Greens Hill Walk
Robertsons Hill Walk
Heron Loop Walk
Mokoan Ponds Walk
Sculpture Walk
Woodland Walk
Humphries Hill Walk

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Points of Interest

1. Car Parking

A gravel car park is visible from Lake Mokoan Rd. Starting your walk here means you won't damage the terrain when you get to Duck Pond. You can see the signs and entrance approximately 40m further on.

2. Reedy dam

Beside the car park is a reedy dam often good for bird observation.

3. Open woodland

The woodland along Lake Mokoan Road is a great place for wildlife observation. Eucalypt flowering has the place buzzing. To explore further you might like to take the adjacent Heron Loop Walk.

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4. Honeyeaters

This Blue-faced Honeyeater is just one example of several species of Honeyeater that frequent the area.

5. Duck Pond

An interpretive sign that explains the ephemeral nature of Winton Wetlands marks your first point of contact with the pretty Duck Pond.

6. White-browed Babblers

This is ideal country for observing very busy and sociable groups of White-browed Babblers. They are a delight to watch as they chase and chatter with each other through the trees.

7. Swan Wall

The top of the Swan Wall that dams Duck Pond creates a rocky track beside the water toward the Warbys. It also defines the border between two distinct ecosystems with swampland on the opposite side.

8. Swampland

From the top of the Swan Wall you have a broad and deep vista into the swampy flats of the wetlands.

9. Duck Pond

On any given day Duck Pond is likely to have many species of birds on the water and in the trees above.

10. Habitat hollows

The local area has been intensively farmed. Many hollows necessary for wildlife habitat have been lost. Regeneration takes many decades. Winton Wetlands provide for hollow conservation and renewal.

11. The point of return

The wall ends in an area of established woodland and regrowth

12. The walk back

Return walks have the advantage of seeing the same place from a different perspective. In this direction you will be walking towards the low hills surrounding Meg's Hill.


Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river