Logan Park Track Accessible Walk, Lysterfiled Park

Mahogany car park, Horswood Rd., Lysterfield Park 3156

Logan Park Track Accessible Walk, Lysterfiled Park

Mahogany car park, Horswood Rd., Lysterfield Park 3156

Staff Pick
1 h
2.86 km

Lysterfield Park has beautiful forest that can be enjoyed while walking or rolling along Logan Park Track. Kangaroos lounge on the edges of the track and woodland birds call and fly overhead.

Logan Park Track Accessible Walk, Lysterfiled Park

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Lysterfield Park has beautiful forest that can be enjoyed while walking or rolling along Logan Park Track. Kangaroos lounge on the edges of the track and woodland birds call and fly overhead.


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Take this return walk or roll to see the fantastic forest of Lysterfield Park. Look and listen for woodland birds and animals. Many kangaroos live here.

Is this walk accessible for me?
This walk is accessible to everyone. It can be done on foot, using a wheelchair or other mobility aid.

How accessible is the path?
There is a map and information sign at the start. Logan Park Track and side tracks are signed. This return walk is on a closed service road in good condition with a firm 4-5 meter wide compacted gravel surface. There is a mild slope for 100 meters at the start of the walk. Some manual wheelchair users may require assistance on return. The track edges are slightly graded for drainage. The track may get muddy when wet. There are no steps or low overhead obstacles.

There is room for side-by-side travel and to turn a wheelchair around, giving the option to return from any point for a shorter walk. There is no alternative car pick up point. Mobile phone coverage is good.

Cyclists and horse riders also use this track. There is room for mobility aid users to pass or be passed.

You can go further if you wish. The track rises a bit after the return point mapped here at Gun Club Track.

Rest areas
There is tree shade, but the track is generally exposed to the weather. No seats are provided along the walk.

Accessible BBQs, picnic tables and toilets are available in the Visitor Area a short distance along the entry driveway below Mahogany car park. Drinking water is provided, but accessibility is poor. Carry a water bottle. Please take your rubbish home.

There is a cafe at the Horswood Rd entrance.

Pets are not permitted.

Public Transport
There is no accessible public transport into the Lysterfield Park.

Park at the top of Mahogany car park located to the right at the roundabout as you enter the Lysterfield Park main gate from Horswood Rd. This way you avoid having to travel through the car park to the start of the walk. The walk begins immediately at the top of the car park. There is no designated accessible space. There are no kerbs or road crossings. There is room for rear un/loading. Many people park to start bike rides here. The surface is sealed and on a mild slope. There have been potholes present.

There is no accessible path from Logan Park Track to the Visitor Area. Mobility aid users may need to drive to the accessible parking beside the accessible toilets on Horswood Rd or the Beach Area.

The following photos and descriptions provide more information regarding accessibility. Conditions may change. If you notice any variations, please let us know.

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Points of Interest

1. Mahogany car park

Mahogany car park is to the right just inside the main gate off Horswood Rd. There are no accessible spaces. Park near the top to avoid having to walk or roll through the car park to get to the walk.

2. Start your walk or roll

Follow the path to the left of the map and information sign to get to Logan Park Track. It is a locked service vehicles only track. The gateway gap to the post here is 1.5 meters.

3. Kangaroos

Almost as soon as you begin you are likely to meet with some of the large and healthy kangaroo population.

4. Lake Circuit turn off

The Lake Circuit may be partially accessible to some mobility aid users. This is a better spot to pick it up than taking the rougher and narrower section that runs parallel to Logan Park Track.

5. Lake Circuit floodway

If you do choose to walk or roll some of the Lake Circuit from this corner you are likely to have to cross this 0.85 meter floodway footbridge. Note there are lips at either end and no wheel buffers.

6. Forest views

The Lysterfiled Park forest is fabulous to look at. This track gives you great views of it as you make your way along.

7. Equestrian Trail

There is an equestrian trail for horse riders along the eastern side of the Logan Park Track. If you like to watch horses this is great for getting up close. It turns off here into the forest.

8. The verge

The track has a broad verge on the side before the trees thicken into forest. Look out for wildflowers in warmer months and fungi and moss in the cooler months.

9. Cyclists

Lysterfield Park is a very popular mountain biking location because the trails are great and the forest is beautiful. There is plenty of room for mobility aid users to pass or be passed.

10. The return point, Gun Club Track

The map stops here. There is more distance to be had if you want to go further along Logan Park Track. It goes all the way to Wellington Rd. There is a rise around this bend.

11. Accessible toilet

The accessible toilet is to the rear of the block by a sealed path. Door width is 0.75 meters. Floor area 1.4x2.3 meters. These 4 sloped accessible parking spaces also give access to the picnic area.

12. Picnic area

This is a good place to stop for a BBQ or picnic before or after your walk. There is another accessible walk here to the dam wall.

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Picnic spot Picnic spot
Drinking water available Drinking water available
Seating available Seating available
Public toilets Public toilets
Pram friendly Pram friendly
Nature trail Nature trail
Lake, creek, river Lake, creek, river
Park / Garden Park / Garden
Accessible walk Accessible walk